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A member registered Sep 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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thanks a lot for replaying man, hope ur having a good time :)

I guess a tutorial inside the game would be nice, because at the game screen, I don't have any idea what most symbols mean, specially the ones that the player can increase and decrease, which theoretically are the most important.

I'm sorry if I'm wrong, I am doing my first 3d game at godot . But it doesn't seem to work with Mixamo like the discription of the asset said. If somebody knows, please teach me how to make it work


9/10 because of the game juice! it doesn't have much replay value, but it's very fun walking and shooting, also the music is very engaging, I don't wanna stop hearing it!!!

with gbstuDio it's easy to make gb games, and at their discord, the community is always active and helping each other. I'm no genius, but add me at discord "da77ass" and I'll help you whenever, if you ever need any.

you might not know it, but your comment was very important for me, as someone who aspires to make good games.

I'll follow you so i get to see the games you're creating too! and thanks for all the kind words man!

That is awesomeee!!!! man I'm so happy

Oh man, I am so happy to hear this! For multiple reasons: first because someone who doesn't know me had fun with a game I made. And also because i could achieve what i intended to do. 

sorry about mature content, i wanted it to be a cyberpunk world (the visuals don't show it much ik), so that's why i introduced drugs and nudity, because for me, the setting of the world is a whole, and not just neon lights.

everytime you land an attack, you actually teleport into the enemy position. I was creating another mechanic long time ago, so i decided to just let it stay this way, like why not.

thanks a lot for such amazing compliments, and I was really happy to know you had a good time playing it! now i have plans to making different games, and drop gbs maybe, learn programming and achieve new heights. I'll do my best to make fun and engaging games. thanks again, you really are the most humble!

(ps. if you could send me a picture of the game on real hardware, that would be awesome too, I've never seen it before!)

couldn't understand well how the game works, but I liked the art though!

I was so lucky to have had such an amazing experience at your side. Thanks for supporting me at everything. This little game shouldn't be much of a big deal, but now it means a lot to me! thanks a lot cello


Amazing game, simple, but I liked how you connected the theme friendly with war, which are like totally opposite. The character art is AWESOME, remembers me of papers please. 

And even though it's small, it was very satisfying to explore this world.

The movement seemed "slow" to me because I would always turn, open the map, move move, open the map. Maybe it would be a little better if the map was in the same scene as the world, so it wouldn't have to fade so much.

Great game, 9/10

That's AWESOME! I'm eager to play ur new game. I don't recommend going into my other projects tho, but since now I understand the engine better and have a few ideas in mind, I'll try to make something respectable.

You're so sweet Diego, wish you the best.

It was an amazing game. 1 bit style is the charm, and I also like that the story is just a background for the gameplay, but it's well presented. 

The poem at the end could've gone slower and with a more readable font tho.

I've also made gbstudio games myself (they're not even close to what you've made) but it'd be nice if you just had a peek



Yo the game is awesome. But how do I unlock the B-side?

Yo how did u made that awesome art?

I've just played it, the game is great, but I don't quite get what to do at the boss

You're blind, you are the kind one in here sir! Thank you so much for playing it, and I'm glad you enjoyed it!! Looking forward to becoming an artist as great as you Filipe.

Yeah I agree completely, indeed quick jumping is necessary at that part.

About the jackhammer, maybe the scene overloads bc the scene itself is filled with scripts. Ofc I don't know what causes it, but maybe you should consider testing this in a "blank" scene w only the jackhammer and the barrels to see if it's really this mix that causes bugs.

And yo I didn't knew that different gbc models displayed different color shades, guess from now on, I'll only play these games at the emulator. If there is one thing I love in a game, is very saturated colors.

And yeah I guess that's basically it, thanks for the talk, keep making games, and at the meantime I'm awaiting your video

Sheesh I didn't knew I could've just set a maximum ammount to a variable hahahaha. Basically I created to variables, HP and MaxHP. Everytime you grab a heal, the game just checks the MaxHP, and doesn't increase the HP variable past that. BUUT I put that all "on update" because for some reason this didn't worked at the heal's "on hit". 

So yeah I don't actually plan on launching it at the dmg, I don't even know if he can hold it (and also have no way of testing cause I don't have a dmg myself). 

And yo I'm very happy that you liked playing it, that's why we make games anyway ain't that right? Another thing, I'm very interested in knowing how you did your player's jump, I'll probably reach out for you at discord one time or another.

And lastly thanks again yo, I'm very interested in seeing your next games.

Actually I was talking about level 2's last "corridor", since the path the barrels take there is so short and they respawn very fast, I was dying by basically going up the ladder when the screen was going up.

I played the game today and reached level 3 yay, but it is so much harder I have to say.

Now that I've played the game more I guess I can give a better feedback.

The game itself nails the arcade thematic, it's too bad that gbc doesn't have vibrant colors, that would make the game even better.

The art is amazing, loved how you did the cutscenes, and the player character is so cute.

Obviously since it is arcade the game is made to be unforgiving, but I kinda felt like "loosing progress" at level 3, since I died a lot at the start until I nailed the mechanics, at level 3 we are introduced to a new mechanic, on which I died to the same barrel 4 times (like I got to there 4 times, only to get the new mechanic and keep dying to the same barrel).

And the songs are nice, but the sound effects are amazing, if I thing about every other gbs game, I think you're the best at it.

Ps - I got to the middle of level 3

You'll do a behind-the-scenes?? sheesh I'll love watching it!

Thanks for the feedback, I really liked it because you gave me a big overview of the game. 

Firstly, thanks for the compliment ;) The idea you gave me about the spikes is great I actually never thought about it. 

Yeah, the power up is actually a consumable, but you are unable to use it at bosses (it would kinda break the game since all the bosses were designed for melee fights). 

Chapter 2 was the first level I designed, so it is by far the hardest one, if you pass it, the rest of the game will be a cakewalk, because now you will be very familiar with the game's mechanics.

I really enjoyed that people are getting the reference, Filipe really helped me by teaching some mechanics, and also helping he with design decisions I couldn't myself.

PS - There is actually only a single HP upgrade in the game, because since the bosses are big, and some scenes have so many actors, a higher hp script would lag the game A LOT. 

And yeah, thanks for playing the game, I really apreciate that such an awesome developer reviewed my game wowowoww

Nice you got it ;) And thanks for playing my game mate

Well, I have to say it kinda pisses me when I'm stuck at the "scene moving up" and the barrels still hit you. Otherwise from that, the game is great, and gave me wreck it ralph vibes.

And yo, how did u made the player knockback when he gets hit? I asked at the discord and ppl told me to use "bounce", but even though I am at version 3.0 this bounce doesn't show to me

I'm dallas from yt. Late reply, but yep, killed all three. They were kinda hard (except for the first one), but once I understood what I had to do, not so much. It is a really nice game I have to say. 

I have to say it man, even though it is small, it's amazing. I think ur the first to make a gbs boss fight!! But I have no idea how u made those spikes in the ground, could u explain it to me?

Yo loved that second bounty!! So much fun

#ArtCart community · Created a new topic Opinion

Loved the lettering!! The faces are awesome too cause the art style is very unique I have to admit it.

Unfortunately yes. It has lots of bugs, but if u wanna see how it all works u can download the files. Sorry for the late reply mate

Thanks for the feedback :) And yeah for now the only thing I can do decently is the art style, 1bit is my thing. Started knowing nothing on how to program, so I've improved a lot. Couldn't finish most of my projects, so even though this game is far from great, at least it gave me strengh to do things that I couldn't before. U were the first to follow me here and give me an actual analysis from what u think, so I can't thank you enough, so happy yooo

Amazing game, but I think those consecutive 3 enemies are too unfair. At the first map I grinded the goo with the first enemy so there was no problems. Started the second map w about 45 goo and even though I spent 6 goo on every turn, the skeletwin outgooed me and got me killed. Since it is a long way, I'd recommend putting a checkpoint at the start of the second map, and like another farming point, or a way to go back. The game is awesome, took lots of inspiration from it. Great use of the color palette.

But aside from that, I loved the ideas. Keep going

I played this when it was out, but only now I discovered that the game was not only about bountys. The horses for me looked like cows, so I only thought they where part of the scenery and didn't went there. And as for the bountys, I could not understand why the enemy always respawns at the bar, and why do the bountys never change.

Yoo this is awesome.

I usually don't like story based games, but this got me hooked. The art is also perfect, never seen anything like it

I thought I could, but only people that submitted games can do that. But btw ur game is awesome. As simple as it is, I like the idea that everyone will leave with a different understanding or thoughts from the game.

How did you made so that the rock goes to the player position?

This is awesome. I'm a little late, but can u explain to me how u did so that the enemies shoot?