Whoa I didn’t even think about audio for when the player is hit, thank you! I’ll put it on the list for my postjam update!
Thank you for playing!
Glad you enjoyed it!!! :D
I agree, the double jump isn’t the best… probably cause I didn’t actually mean for it to be there, it’s a side effect of my buggy coyote time implementation <:D
I’ve already fixed it and made it a proper double jump in my dev version, so as soon as the jam is over, I’ll update it! Thank you for playing!
The style of this game is incredible! I love the art direction and music! The atmosphere is on point.
I agree the game is very hard, but it’s still fun. I think it could definitely benefit from controllable jumps, jump buffering, coyote time, all that stuff. Regardless, it’s a very good entry! Great work :D
I’m probably not going to open source the project, but the original game that was made in Unity was open source, and a lot of the logic for growing and harvesting crops is similar. The movement logic is also almost the exact same, the only differences with the remake is that walking around has better animations and also faster.
Here’s a link to the original game’s Ludum Dare 52 submission page, the source code should be linked there: https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/52/down-to-earth
Thank you playing the game :D
I survived until 16 encounters. Really loved the art style and writing. I found the game took a bit to speed up enough in order to get to some more dangerous encounters, I was mostly encountering fledglings with 2 HP up until about encounter 10 or so (or perhaps I was just getting lucky with easier encounters). Overall great submission! I bet you’re gonna rank high in the jam!