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Got the character Animation + Model
Walking Animation
Running Animation
Jump Animation
Idle Animation
Dash State
Climb State
Atleast it better than the last charater…. Also the speed shown above are probably will be different in game.
Also i didn’t include the scarf it not worth it. but i could make it and be in the game…
Added sound and bringing life to the game. Also here some gameplay at 10fps average.
The red thing that follow the player are scarf, i add it in a cheap way to get the scarf effect XD. I also can do it on animation but i think it would be better and easy to do it with the game engine. i tried using the game engine but it just dropped my average fps to 3 so no i guess. Here the animation btw
Also that “could be” the main character.
Day 1 -
You as player are going to hospital to look for your friend that currently on hospital, But on your way there, an earth quake happen and you fall deep.
You doing platforming ( With some mechanic like dashing, wall climb, etc. ) But you also have to keep your health as it get worse and worse the longer you spend time ( because you just fall like 10 miles far ), so that where Healing introduce i like to have the player encourage to keep moving and using healing mechanic which is just an item that you can pick ( i will change it later when i have better idea ), and also i will have a different difficulty ( w/o using healing mechanic ).
The platforming will be dynamic ( a vertical,horizontal,diagonal platforming ).
The game will have little bit story and also a plot twist. Also the game will focused on momentum.