Nice, short puzzle! I really like the jump mechanic, and realizing you could do one move over the air if you were quick enough was really cool.
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Finally beat it! Took me about three tries...
This game has such great visual charm, especially in it's opening and closing scenes. The musical stinger each time you enter a room with an enemy in it got me every time. I experienced a surprising amount of drama for a battle system that was so random. I hit floor 7 with only one hit point left but managed to clear 3 enemies before finding more health... talk about close! I really just wish there was a run button.
I composed all the music myself in Ableton Live. If you're not familiar with writing music, then you'll want to be looking for royalty free music online. Here's one possible source: If you can't find what you're looking for here, there are countless other royalty free music sites elsewhere online, so it should just be a quick google search away.
Hey, I'm Ayden. I did all the music and music systems for this game. If you're wanting to make music/sound an important part of your game, I'd recommend getting some middleware software to help handle the audio, either FMOD or Wwise. We used FMOD; all the music runs through one FMOD Event. In the Unity Engine, a script reads the beat information from FMOD, and from there we can lead events to happen every time the beat changes, including triggering animations: