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A member registered Dec 27, 2022 · View creator page →

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yet another banger. please put out a collection, im hard pressed to find a game of yours that deserves to be slept on.

yellow square fix doesnt work, lame

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im trans and i also struggle being bipolar. after a lot of similar internal debate... i think probably the joy of gender autonomy and transness is real. mania makes it hard to acknowledge dysphoria, and when depressed the euphoria that gender affirmation brings would suddenly go away. then i feel invalid for not feeling dysphoric-- complex relatable stuff in this zine.

a lot of these read like actual retro personal ads-- plenty of funny and dark details. love the casual inclusion of the supernatural and the grotesque. the business ads section made me chuckle. looking forward to whatever you do next, zine-making bat person

you have to run it through an emulation of an earlier os

speedgame potential... rly good dont stop working on this


does it make you feel better than other people that you care less and hate more, what does this behavior do for u bro

i have about 65 hours on this game now and i cant stop praising it. im so excited for the steam release and 3.0!!

i did this once too-- rest in peaces in solidarity

the most effort i've ever seen put into a joke

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rural rot and urban decay what more could a modern horror fan want? some people are forgotten after death, some of us are forgotten while we're still here.

3 words: SPEEDRUN THIS GAME. it is so fun i want it to be a real speedgame

so freaking fun and the soundtrack is just as entertaining. gets extremely difficult!

absolutely love this zine

i would love to see more rhythm rogue likes after playing this game-- its aesthetic and intuitive, and the references to zombie media made me smile 

clever af would play an entire album of this


i remember seeing this on tumblr ages ago-- however, i was avoiding the whole "trans and gay" thing and scrolled quickly past. im glad i corrected my mistake! this comic is like a nostalgic rpg

sometimes i get on and i scroll and scroll until i find something worth looking at-- the color work in the thumb nail immediately captured me, and the zine itself is very vulnerable and real. im glad i didnt end up scrolling past!!

now this is one surreal hidden gem-- textured to the gawds. and the piece composition? chefs kiss

this is so specific to what i love 

great zine!

a zine to capture and contain the rage of stolen happiness and stolen closure. heed the warnings, but this is about as tasteful of representation trauma like this can get. many kudos to the author

this is a beautiful game

replicating the look of my childhood TV added a new level of authenticity to my emulation journey. godspeed mausimus