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A member registered May 16, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hi, I believe there is a problem in the programming, Report it as I think error or bug. When I hire Oliver the brother of Leigh (sheeps), he says that will take the same salary as his brother, without bargaining, but then his salary is 4000 which is the value of basic deafult (I believe). brother, oliver, from me takes 700, I would say that is a little bit higher :D

Hi, thanks for the compliments, I’m glad you like the game. You are right in everything you say, what you say about the relative blood uncle, acceptable or not, I understand but you have not considered the change of view, at a time when things also change perspectives and the way of seeing other people change, You may not feel these things or try them, it changes a lot from person to person. You are right about the interaction, later you will find the more interactive session but despite this you continue to be right. Unfortunately being the first game I had an idea in mind that I carried on, I realized that compared to other games I create many images, twice if not triple, to show expressions, not to leave too vague some scenes, but this thing has restricted me to not open too many paths etc.  Otherwise I’d spend my life playing this game. Also I used a type of programming that going back and wanting to correct it to create a path where I do not have sex with anyone and is just story (thing not thought) I could not do it unless I throw down all the game and start again from scratch. After all this reasoning, I said to myself, ok! I finish this game, if I make another one I will do it with much less images, more interactions and choices so that it is more personalized and I will have to be more careful to a more complicated and branched programming. It may not be your full 100% cup of tea, but enjoy the story for what you can as you are doing. Thank you so much again for all that you said

Hello, yes, they will return soon. I took advantage of the summer to do renovations in the house, health analysis and recover what I had not done in the last 3 years because of my health. have a little patience but because I have not yet completed all what I’m fixing, but I started working on the game already 10 days, but here in Italy is still very hot and the pc when it works the images throws out hot air, seems to be in an oven heheh. But they will return soon

There is no difference in the contents, but visually there are differences in buttons etc. The program Renpy reprocesses in this way, I tried to adjust some settings, do you find any particular problem?

Thanks <3

thanks for you words, I’m glad that I have partially gratified your fetish. Undoubtedly there will be much more in the future... :D

Thanks! I’m usually very attentive to translations, but something always misses me something, when you find something and have time, let me know I would be very grateful :D

oh yes, but you can avoid the father’s route, if it upsets you a kiss on the lips as a sign of affection, even mom gives him a kiss on the lips, if even a sign of affection you see it as a sexual thing just because there is sex in the game then I give up. The whole thing is very contextualized and not obligatory. I respect the fact that it can be disgusting for you. The games you mentioned are great games, but the fact that they are included in the category gay visual novel does not mean that they should be compared, they all have different stories and even if they had similar stories they are written by different people and each has its own beauty. Str8 is very romantic and introspective, Bound to College is very realistic about a college life and is a bit naughty, Ergi is very complex both as programming and as apocalyptic sense etc. They are all different and there are many others and I really appreciate them all for different reasons. But comparing them seems silly. When you don’t like something you can say it, I don’t like it for that reason and then you’re free not to play it. Thank you for your answer and thank you for adding your opinion in a subjective way

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Thanks ♥️ I am glad that you have noticed, your words are very heartening, it is a long work and I dedicate almost all my free time to this, I am happy to read your words 

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there are 5 people and only one is a relative and the uncle is not a blood relative! I admit that there is not enough interaction as I would like, but I am one person, who already does everything and not a team like many games here on this platform, otherwise I would have to release an update every 6 months. If you write Boring, you played 5 minutes! There are many twists, it is a fantasy and there is really everything inside. But I don’t have to convince you, but next time before writing a comment be sure to play a game entirely and then you can comment. and remember because of people with easy criticism that make stop many creators of games to continue their story. you could very well say that it was not to your taste, do not define it sick, you in addition to criticizing the game, you made all the people who appreciated it feel sick. Learn to weigh the words. Have fun


Grazie mille :D

ok! I reworked the android version, the maps should now have no problems. I replaced the version, so you can re-download it. Thanks :D

OK! I Rework it tomorrow and insert the file to overwrite this in site, Thanks!

ok! thanks for the info. I don’t know if this is a change that is best done right away or in the next version. Because if I change the name now, it doesn’t upload the file to me and the people who bought it can’t access that file but they should make a new purchase. Also does not allow refund, but only if the customer requires it. Now I see what I can do! Thanks again

Are you saying this because you know it for sure? or is it a guess? until now I have not had any problem, unless they are new rules. thanks to you

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I’m releasing free version (2.6) in two minutes! :D

hi and thanks for the compliments. When the "sandbox" mode starts, in other words the mode in which you can explore with the days etc. according to the route you are on, you can see some events, there are general events that you will find with the question mark, they will be in all the paths, if you click around you will find small events to allow you to pass the days, see small anecdotes and finally there are last characters events, and they are the ones you find with the sticker with the photo of the character. 

I’m continuing to compose all the routes at the same time, so if you like only one character you have to be patient. If you want to discover all the events because you are in difficulty in the upper left there is a small red button that will tell you where to find the events. This mode is to allow Ethan to make his own experiences, ending this mode will resume the story and its end. But we are still a bit far from the latter. If you have other problems I’m here. Have a good night and enjoy the game

hello and thank you for what you said, I’m glad you like it, I do not understand what you mean by "Have done Ray and Edward" there is no path of Edward, maybe you meant Sam? ... Anyway, there are some events for all the routes, I’m slowly taking them forward together.  In the punsante "hint" there is the list of all events, those for datable characters and even those extra to the character. In the "sandbox" part there are now a few small, medium and large events. I don’t know if you have a chance to go to Discord and contact me so I can help you in more detail. I hope I was helpful and wish you a good day

ciao e grazie per le tue parole, cosa intendi per commentario? forse stai traducendo in Italiano con un traduttore? non riesco a comprendere cosa intendi, puoi rifrasare per favore? per l'università ci sono solo due eventi per ora, entrambi sono spiegati sotto il punto interrogativo nel bottone "hint" che trovi in alto a sinistra, non ti scrivo di più per non spoilerare a chi legge, ma se hai problemi nel trovarli... magari possiamo scriverci in privato su Discord o troviamo una soluzione, ok? :D  grazie mille e Fammi sapere se è andato tutto ok con quello che ti ho suggerito, buona giornata :D 

ciao e grazie mille, non sai che piacere mi fa sentirlo, ci sono pochissimi commenti italiani e pochissimi ad accorgersi del gioco :D quindi mi farebbe molto piacere avere un tuo commento e un riscontro. Ti auguro una buona giornata :D

Thanks for you word :D for the moment there is only one event for Hermano and one for Bearnie in the part "sandbox", later, more will come, I’m slowly making two characters at a time, sometimes events that are not the main characters, but only filling the game or to make experience the MC or the main history

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oh! wow! thanks for the words and hope it’s helping you :D 


my fault, unfortunately has high taxes and then there are also those for abroad, so double taxes. I thought I could raise it by $1, but if it’s too big of a raise for you, I’ll lower it right now

if click on preferences there are two button "Italian" and English"

Thank you so much for your words, My health is at an acceptable level :D, I won’t lie saying that I’m 100% fine, but I think that this is the best I can achieve after all I’ve been through, maybe after months I’ll resume a little more, but I’m happy to spend my time in the game. The content for Ed-Ethan will be coming soon, maybe in the next update or maybe the one after that, I have to finish linking things up before I focus on him. I have so many things to do for the game but I am limited by picture time, work etc. Slowly they will come out :D Thanks again for your support and wish you a good day


in day 1 you will see his button on the stable of horses after doing one or two actions

<3 thanks :D

<3 thanks, I'm glad to come back to work on the game :D it mean that I have a decent health heheh thanks for your words and I hope you have a good health :D

Hello and thank you very much, yes my health is improving, slower than I would have liked but it is improving. Yes the Gallery already exists, I’m slowly making it so as not to touch up the programming so you don’t need to start over. It will serve you to see again some images by clicking on them or in some even the partial or whole scene, and it will also serve you to see if you have seen all of the game in the various paths and small variations in the choices. :D when you have the version with the gallery, you will just have to start over and press ctrl to quickly cross the whole game in the paths you have already made so that you can unlock the images in the gallery. in future Version 2.7 there are Ray, Sam, Edward, Bearnie Gallery. in the 2.6 Ray Sam

hello everyone, thank you so much for your messages even if I had read them before but I could not answer your thoughts have arrived, thank you very much. Soon, or rather soon I will be back to publish the new update. thanks again to everyone for being present in a difficult period for me with your words and thoughts







