Very impressive and especially that you are running a node chat server to boot, it is a lot of dedication!
Yeona ansetla ofgaeð frið in his hyrste
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I know this might be a silly request but if you still have the project files I'd be really thankful if you could make a mac export download available! Defold makes it really easy and you wouldn't need to do any additional steps or add anything besides clicking Bundle > Mac > 64bit/Universal instead of Bundle > Windows > 64bit
In indie mac gaming, it is very very common for people to distribute unsigned mac games. We mac gamers have an easy way around that, which is a simple bash script (see below). All that is required to make it work is that it be rebuilt to 64bit OS X target, it is not necessary to update the actual version of OS X that it is targetting nor to properly codesign the bundle.
if [[ $# -gt 0 ]]
then echo "...$1"
echo $1
echo "correct execution format: 'sudo fixapp.command ~/Applications/"
if [[ "$1" ]] ; then
echo "fixing app"
sudo chmod -R 755 $1
sudo xattr -dr $1
echo "launching from app"
open $1
echo "error"
Whilst attempting to open the jar in the new version 8.31, it renders the "Loading" text for a second before closing the process and giving up without an error message or anything. I am unzipping the downloaded archive file and going into "Client" and attempting to launch TachyonsCE.jar directly by right clicking, is this incorrect? It doesn't appear to be a systems problem. I am running macOS on M1 with Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_311-b11)
All assistance is appreciated.