Thank you for the great written feedback.
The text is a result of scaling up a low resolution three times their size. This is done to get that retro feel in the pixels. The drawback is that fonts can appear as they do in the game. Given more time we could work out a font that draws better in low pixel counts.
Combat is special. We were aiming for a different type of combat with the need to charge up. And I think that with some tweaking and rework we can get the charge-up to feel good. Bur right now, it is for sure rough.
The MC collects souls. We were not able to make this super clear to the player, the small whisps/orbs that enemy drops are souls captured by that enemy. And then you have the enemy soul that you write contracts for. Each time you kill a certain enemy, you collect its soul. The souls then get turned in to complete the contract and write a new ones. Each contract boosts the MC before turning the souls in. So you only need to turn in the souls to start a new contract and keep the power from the previous.
If you don't have signed a second contract before the 3rd room you are probably gonna die. One point in charge up and some damage and crit seems to be a good combo.
And I thought I patched those doors tight!