Massive spoilers alert
starts babbling about being forced to stray from straight platonic route to romantic one
HOWEVER! guys, what if there actually will be a difference between routes? What if Red will fcking DIE or go comatose/vegetable if we reject him?
that's like the only think I came up with that would explain this weird turn in MC's mental
I read this vn since round 2 came out and I really like this project. Our mixed feelings come from objectively speaking "bad writing" (I hate this term, I don't agree with its usage in this case, but I couldn't find more fitting word to describe it). MC being forced to love a character is good, it is called a route after all, but if we can choose to specifically NOT romance someone and then out of the blue our protag just develops feelings... it's just not cool man...
Bruces stan forever and ever :')