At last I got to play this game, and I thoroughly enjoyed it thus far! I've only played Briar's route at the time of writing this, but I shall be playing the rest soon!
The first thing that captivated me upon opening the game was the gorgeous GUI (actually, it may have been the rating splash screen because it was pretty funny, but besides that!) The color palette is pleasing and I love how cozy and cute it looks- cafe aesthetics are some of my favorites, you see! And the changing background on the main menu was gorgeous, I loved that!
Then, of course, I have to mention the delicious looking food through the game! Good job on that! And the café is so lovely, I'd love to go there myself.
The characters are all beautifully drawn and their personalities are really compelling. Of course, I went for Dr. Ash first, as I loved his design the most, and gosh is his personality charming! He's such an eloquent goofball, and absolutely precious! Those little moments where he got a bit bolder with his flirtations were quite fun too.
I look forward to playing the other routes soon!