Fun read! I liked the concept and definitely think a game like this could find its unique niche.
The concept of a combat-less MMORPG isn’t new - but the focus on breeding and training real-world pets makes this game stand out, and might perhaps even birth a Pokemon-like genre of social pet-world games.
The order of the sections in the document confused me a bit - I didn’t even know what the core gameplay was going to be like, but was plunged headfirst into a detailed economy section. Once I read through the rest of the doc I had a better idea of what the game was - but would still like a lot more detail on the core mechanics and the moment-to-moment gameplay. There’s good coverage of the loops, progression, and economy, but less on what you actually do in the game and why that is engaging or challenging without considering metagame factors like economy and trading.
The concept seems like it would be fun to play, but without more description of the art, world, aesthetic, and core gameplay - I’m not sure if I would pick it up. The focus on economy and breeding for profit also seemed a little at odds with the cosy, personalized feel of the game - but perhaps that’s just me.
Overall an interesting concept with a good niche, and pretty well-written GDD (with diagrams!) although missing some key content.