Hmm, Well, I'm just someone who has a tendency to like to talk I suppose. I find discussions interesting. Although I might not be the best at explaining myself. I don't know much about the bible itself, so I won't attempt to argue against you for that,(that's not my place.). Anyway, Firstly. Free will means the ability to make your own choices. A sort of control over your own actions. Now, assume free will existed, and that in a particular morning, I decide I'll have cookies and tea for breakfast. Now, let's assume God rolls back time, and just let's the morning repeat. I would make the same decision. That would mean that my actions would be predictable. In fact, prophecy also says the future can be predicted. But that's where my argument comes in. An omnisicient being could see everything that will ever happen in the future. That's a part of knowing everything anyway. So when God started creating things He would know how the future would turn out. That means anything that happens was within his intention.(This part is hard to explain so I can try a different way if you need). For example, when he created the devil. he knew that one day that devil would go on to... become evil I guess?, and created him in a way where that outcome would be inevitable. When he created us, he knew some of us would love him, and some of us would hate him. and some of him would like to stop and chat over coffee with him while playing some game.
Hmm, I would say I'm.. curious of god, yet pity him in a way, I'm not sure how I would eudure being immortal myself. Or having that much power. What was it like when he first awakened?, did he feel things?, Was he scared?, confused?, How is it like having always existed?, things like that. That's just a bit of me though. I don't have an intention to mock faith, though I apologize if I do. Ahhh Right, I remember why I went on this tangent. You see, personally, I'd always been curious if I could create a soul. In an AI to be specific. One advanced enough to be considered human. However, let's say the AI, being so human to have free will, had the choice to go rogue and destorying us all. If I could see the future, like God could. and knew the AI would one day do exactly that. Is it the sin of the thing I created or a tragedy brought by my own hands? Of course, some believe we humans are somehow special having a free will and all, but well.(I don't want to use an example where I make a baby or genetically engineer one knowing they would became a dictator or something ;-; )
Oh, also, At least hitler was a catholic. Baptized too.(like 90% of Austria at the time).
Morality is rarely black and white. and examples of tragedies being enacted in the name of God are all too common.(The cursades for example, racism during colonialism being another.) Of course. retrospect is 20/20 and it's unfair to judge history using our sense of morals. But I find it unfair for you to say things such as dictators were atheists, most people in power used religion to justify their atrocities. it was very common in monarchies as well. and not just for Christianity itself.