Hello SelLillianna, thank you so much for playing Moonlight Mansion! I'm so sorry for the grammatical mistakes and tense issues- English isn't really my first language. And yes, you're right- I noticed I made a mistake with the age but forgot to correct it, hoping that people won't notice the mistake (haha). I will probably upload a corrected version later on. I'll also try my best to improve on my art skills (I know they're lacking) and hopefully they'll get better in my next games. I'm glad you liked the plot and the pacing. As for the endings, I also share the same dilemma as you when playing many games. Ending 2 isn't particularly a sad ending, though it's arguable. Anyway, thanks for your feedback! It means a lot! :)
Hi there! Sorry if I was harsh with my feedback! Sometimes I look back on my old comments and realize they sound harsh! (really QUITE harsh, sometimes.) I don't mean to discourage!
I thought I'd let you know, though, that I was discussing indie passion-project visual novels with someone. (We were talking about visual novels which were the closest to the writer's initial vision, so indie passion-project VNs came up!) They wondered if I had any recommendations, so I recommended this VN to them! ^^ Hope you're doing well! Take care!