The artwork is really nice. And the story is interesting.
But there's a glitch (or something) when you knock on Theo's door.
After your choice, he lets you in, and you somehow know his name before he introduce himself. Which is kinda weird.
"Are you....Alex?"
As I'm talking Theo moves and lets me into his room.
That's literally what the game says, in that order, with nothing between those sentences.
Oh, and after that, the mc talks about how Theo can't be so bad....right before you realize it must be Theo.... oO
You may wanna check that section out.
And it's kinda difficult to hit the buttons to move the Save screan forward to fit more saves. It works, but it's tricky to hit since the mouse cursor is slightly out of sync with the actual targetic mechanism.
There's no good answer to Alex's question. lol
I like Theo. I don't like Ophelia. So how do I answer whether I like both or not? oO
The mc is ridiculusly naive and trusting. >_>
But based on what kind of 'friends' she have I presume that is perfectly in-character for her.
Out of curiousety.... Why can't you choose Ophelia?
Is her route not finished or something?
Or is it because I didn't flirt with her, and told Theo he's hot?
(Not that I like her, but it seemed weird when she was presented as an option.)
The ghost is a bit out of touch with reality if he thinks you can just choose who to fall in love with like that tho.
(And that's without even considering how it could solve someone's trauma.)
I'm also surprised what ends in the "normal end" doesn't just loop back to the beginning (minus the first introductions --although I suppose you -could- send you in a 'time loop' instead if you want to make the programming simple) so that instead of an ending it becomes an infinity-loop until you make a choice.
(Or maybe add a petulant refusal with an ending saying you got stuck in an infinity loop until you died and ended up as a ghost because you refused to choose, after the first loop. xD)
By and large I really like this game.
I just wish the concept was developed a little bit more.
Like maybe you can't meet them until after you find all the puzzle pieces or something.
(I found the letter and only the letter.)
I think with a little bit of polish this could be a really great game.