I just played this and wanted to say this was INCREDIBLE! It instantly landed a spot in my top ten honestly!
I love how gorgeous your prose was, and how the narrative flowed beautifully and tragically for poor Clive and MC. I felt so awful for Clive and what happened to him, I really just wanted to protect him.
Everything about this made me so happy. It's currently 7am, I haven't slept because I stayed up to play and rave about it. I don't even care how tired I will be later today!
You should be so so proud with this. I love the premise, the art, the characters and how wonderfully well thought out and put together this was. You deserve so much praise for this.
I cannot wait to see more and find out more about this amazing world you've put together! Thank you for making such a wonderful experience. I love when stories make my heart soar and although I was emotional throughout, I was so happy while playing this. It was just captivating.
I hope it's okay to share as well! But I made a playthrough of your game and also featured it on my tiktok channel below!
Thank you so much again! I will be patiently awaiting to keep supporting you <3