For anyone else whose brain broke trying to play garden solitaire, here are the possible combinations of cards with an average of exactly 4:
- 2 cards: [71 - 26 - 35 - 44]
- 3 cards: [714 - 723 - 156 - 246 - 255 - 336 - 345 - 444]
- 4 cards: [7711 - 7126 - 7135 - 7144 - 7225 - 7234 - 7333 - 1366 - 1456 - 1555 - 2266 - 2356 - 2446 - 2455 - 3346 - 3355 - 3445 - 4444]
These are sorted so that the ones on the left are most disparate, so they are generally rarer but more favorable if you can make them because they get rid of difficult to use cards.