Alright I have a few suggestions. Like always I try to give some tips for improving so a bucket list it is:
- Text during gameplay: I understand the want to include the story into the game, but the gameplay doesn't really support it. A big no no, you can see it with notes in games which I don't think most people read those.
- Bugs: So many bugs, playtesting is important above adding new features and just from the first session I encountered some problems with the player oscillating up and down when hitting obstacles as well as level 4 sending the player to level 2 for some reason.
- So much text o_o : I know it's ironic when it's coming from a guy who's two out of the last 3 games were narrative based ones, but you can definitively cut a lot of the text in the tutorials and replace that with sprites. To make it easier to digest.
- Movement: It feels really slidy and the time it takes to gather some speed is really slow, making the acceleration faster and cutting the time would make for a more frantic experience.
- The balance: So you gain an enlightenment point per finishing the level, and you lose them per hitting one obstacle I don't think that is a great trade if you can lose points faster than you can gain them. I would understand something like failing the level loses you one point but hitting an obstacle seems to harsh.
- The collisions: a good practice is to provide clear telegraphing for everything. The boundaries in the level could have been either a fall or a wall but here you can't really tell how far you can go before the death collider gets you. Another thing would be to have a smaller collider for either the obstacles or have another small one for the player that only counts collisions because weaving is hard enough and adding a bit of grace zone to obstaclesis a common practice
And with all of that I still think it's a solid first entry. It's normal for the first game to have a bunch of issues but we learn and overcome :D