Wow just being immediately hit with such a cool title screen and music was awesome.
The tutorial was great and really explained the mechanics of the game. Creating monsters is really cool but I had no idea how to select different items to add to my sigil and eventually just figured out it was mousewheel which isn't listed on the gamepage. (Also the spectator button is wrong too)
Creating monsters feels awesome and wandering around to grab items to summon them is a great premise. I just wish the screen was more zoomed out or I had little a little mini-map or battle tracker to show how things were going off-screen without having to move the entire camera by pressing tab.
I couldn't beat a single fight, tried the 4 player FFA and 1v1 and the AI just seems to constantly throw enemies out and they sit on the centre in a group and just nuke anything you send over.
Maybe I just suck? Haha.
I was super impressed you managed to create a 2 player split screen, doing that in a jam game is kinda insane.
I loved the pixel art characters and monsters but the environment was really samey and found it easy to get lost in a sea of repeating tiles. I also kept losing my sigil and it being so small / dark didn't help it stand out.
Overall it's a fantastic concept and works really well. I'm not sure if it's just me being bad at the game or the mechanics just needing a fine tune but it felt really difficult to balance and I just threw whatever I could find into the sigil and hoped for the best.
Would absolutely love to revisit this if it gets updated in the future!