Please comment your submission link and I'll play it and rate it!
I would also like you to play and (hopefully) enjoy my game here:
Please comment your submission link and I'll play it and rate it!
I would also like you to play and (hopefully) enjoy my game here: please take a look, i will play and rate your game too! ☺, here you go. Honest feedack is appreciated.
Here you go!
If you leave feedback I will be sure to take a look at yours as well at some point!
(i will probaly check out your game tommorow)
my game: who took my son? where am i?
here is a screenshot so you will know how good is my game :)
Link to the game:
(please give a honest rate)
link to the submission: people were having trouble accessing my game so I wanted to give the main page , you should be able to get the access page through there.
Rating yours ^^ Here is mine if you want to give it a try :)
I'd really appreciated if you played mine :)
Embrace of the Endless Ocean by Michael ( Here is my game, and I will also rate your game now :)
I've made simple game in html, css and js you can give mine a chance!
Rated and commented:
Here’s my game! Some informations before you play, calm stage lasts 3 mins then storm. And for stamp works you need to place your mouse where then hand with stamp is, even though cursor is hidden. Sorry about inconvenience in advance
Here's my funny game:
Played and rated yours, great job!
Storm Shelter is a mix between Tetris and autobattlers where you have to build a house for the Guy to defend him from a bizarre storm featuring a variety of storm-themed enemies.
I'll probably play your game in a moment. Currently I'm on a brave journey to overtake "Strange Demands" in popluarity which was #1 for the entire duration, I've gotten close as we're sitting at #2
Hey, please have a look at mine:
Loved your game! Played, rated, commented, added to my collection to play it later.
Please rate mine as well:
if you happen to have a controller laying around, and like 3d top down twin stick shooters, then maybe play and rate my game ‘Stay Calm’? =>
In case you do not have one, here is a gameplay video (with huge thanks to HexNuclid) which might convince you to leave a rating based on what you see there =>
Here is my game:
Hope you enjoy It!! I will also rate your game :)
If you want you can play our first game The last Bar stands:
you wanna play some games? I have some games that wanna be played :D
Hi! Here is my game:
This is my first game jam where I made a 3D game. I hope you like it ^^
I thought your game was really good - thank you so much for sharing it on here. I consider yours a really good game I probably would have missed playing if I didn't see this post!
You can check out my game here:
Game Page:
Rate Page:
Its my second Jam. I like how so many of us are trying to rate as many games as possible