This is Monodrifter - Nutcracker Edition and our entry to the Boss Rush Jam 2025!

You have landed with your Monowheel on a supposedly abandoned junkyard. Unfortunately for you, it's Mr. NutZ territory and he's not very happy about this disturbance! Confront him or die. Now drive!


I strongly recommend downloading and playing one of the  Executables, because the Webbuild has more or less strong frame lags at the beginning of the game due to dynamically loaded sound and particle effects, which are compiled by Godot at runtime and thus lead to these stutters...
Unfortunately, I discovered the fix to this problem after the Jam was closed and thus was unable to fix it ... :(


The following theme were defined for the Boss Rush Jam 2025:

  • Spin

which can be found in the game as follows:

  • You're driving a Monowheel that's the definition of spinning... doh!
  • Sometimes Mr. NutZ's DeepSh** AI Core is making him Spin like a Lunatic. It's of course a feature!
  • Your Guns spin like there is no tomorrow. Unfortunately for you, you cannot see them doing their thing.

How to Play

Well, just start the the Game and you will see!



  • My girlfriend Rieke for supporting me along the way. Love you very much! ❤️
  • My good friend Lutz Großhennig for helping me out big time! His Spinnruss Boss Rush Jam Entry is really well done! Be sure to give it a try and a like 🙏

What went good

  • Godot v4.4 Beta1 is a blessing.
  • We had initial another Idea, but the Theme wrecked it... so I came up with this idea as I had it prototyped in the past and thought it would fit the Theme rather well. And it does, now does it? It was a blast to work on. We consider continue working on it, depending what the feedback will be like.

What went not so good

  • Godot v4.4 Beta1 is a curse.
  • Initial Frame lags (mostly Webbuild). Reason being dynamically loaded sounds and particle effects which are in turn compiled on the fly by Godot and cause these stutters... - I discovered a fix to these problems too late and thus it is unfortunately quite a turn-down while trying the Webbuild :(
  • Internal Team / Time problems

Bugs & Issues

  • You bet 😉


  • Godot v4.4 Beta1 on Linux
  • VSCode
  • Audacity
  • Peek (GIF Recording)
  • Flameshot (Screenshots)

Used Assets

SHOUT OUT: Without the following Assets there wouldn't be much! So BIG thanks to these content creators putting there stuff out there!



3d Models



(c) Jan (impmja) Schulte - 2025+


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