anonacount -- create anonymous usser login/email accounts for users in Ubuntu (C) Copyright Herbert J. Bernstein 2019 This software may be released under the GPL 2.0 See LICENSE
The software uses a file named gemstones as a source of names to which it appends one or more digits to make each new name unique. The names are generated with a scripts make_new_name, which should be stored in /sbin with permission 500, so it can only be read or run by root.
make_new_name namelist onamelist returns a name from namelist followed by a number such that the new name does not appear in onamelist onamelist defaults to /etc/passwd
The top level script to run is
make_bulk_anon N makes N+1 anonymous email accounts and sends instructions to the first one as the instructor handing the block
This script should be edited to send the final emails to the appropriate addresses to receive instructions on use of the generated accounts.