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Development Setup uses Ruby on Rails as a framework and PostgreSQL as the default database.

  1. Clone the repository: git clone
  2. cd
  3. Install Ruby version defined in .ruby-version (e.g. use asdf)])
  4. Install vips (e.g. brew install vips on macOS with Homebrew)
  5. Run bin/setup (der entsprechende User benötigt Superuser Rechte für diesen Schritt)
  6. Run bin/rails db:create db:migrate (do a bin/rails db:drop first if you want to delete an already existing database)
  7. Run bin/rails 'word_images:import[db/seeds/word_images]' to import images associated to words
  8. Run bin/dev
  9. Open the browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000/

The initial data is loaded by a migration, so that the database schema can be adapted without adapting the schema of the initial data.


  • Do not use db:setup, because that loads the schema without running all migrations.
  • Start the development server using bin/dev


bin/rails spec

Production Setup

  • Change email address of config.mailer_sender in config/initializers/devise.rb
  • Check SMTP settings in config/environments/production.rb
  • Configure ActiveStorage in config/storage.yml
  • Configure the host of config.action_mailer.default_url_options in config/environments/production.rb
  • Import word images: bin/rails 'word_images:import[db/seeds/word_images]' (replace argument in [] with directory containing the images)

Application Management

Show/hide blank word attributes

Configure in config/application.rb whether blank attributes of words should be shown or not:

config.hide_blank_items = true

Restart the Rails server when changing the configuration.

Create an Administrator

The first administrator needs to be created manually in the Rails console (bin/rails c):

password = SecureRandom.hex
# Take note of the password

Admin.create(email: '', password:, password_confirmation: password)

Docker Setup

There is a Dockerfile and an example docker-compose.yml.example for a production setup of the application within Docker. Note that you should customize the docker-compose.yml before running it in production.

After installing Docker and docker-compose, run docker-compose up in this directory to start the application.

To quickly test the application locally without customizing the docker-compose.yml, you may run docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml.example up in this directory.

Text to speech


  • Activate Text to Speech API for the Google Cloud Account
  • Generate service credentials and download JSON file
  • Place the JSON file in config/google-tts-credentials.json


  • Processing happens in the background via app/jobs/tts_job.rb. This can be triggeredy manually via TtsJob.perform_now(word).
  • The good_job gem handles the job. Start via bundle exec good_job
  • There is a with_tts flag on the word model, which determines whether an audio attachment for both the word itself and it's example sentences should be generated.
  • The audio is generated via Google Cloud Text to Speech API and attached to the word.
  • There is a dedicated log file for the job in log/tts.log.
  • The voice is randomly selected from the list in the config file.

To process all words, do: Word.where(with_tts: true).each { |w| TtsJob.perform_later(w) } (or perform_now when there is no job runner).


Inklusive OER-Webanwendung zur Unterstützung des (Schrift-)Spracherwerbs im Deutschen







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