能顯示 2D/3D Dicom影像的應用
本project旨在利用python+Qt製作簡易的醫學影像GUI,提供一個平台,能在上面使用python開發測試各式影像處理功能,尤其是針對3D之Dicom Stack!
執行程式會打開Main Window,左上角的選單有2D processing和3D processing兩個子選項,其中後者embed有3D volume reconstruction功能

- Load Image (含*.dcm)
- Save Image
- Convert to gray scale
- Restore
- Thresholding
- Region Growing
- Morthology (Dilation, Erosion, Opening, Closing)
- Edge Detection (Laplacian, Sobel, Perwitt, Frei & Chen)
- Drawing

- Load DICOM stack
- Save slice (axial, sagittal, coronal)
- Colormap transform
- Slider scrolling
- Mouse hovering/clicking
- Show DICOM info
- Show slice index coordinate
- 3D volume reconstruction

- 加入數據分析功能
- 3D reconstruction改善
- 3D image processing
加入對3D voxel影像進行更複雜的影像處理功能
- Make it distributable
Project root will be /src, just clone it and run mainwindow.py.
Strictly follow the package version in requirements.txt is not necessary.
- brain.png licensed under "CC BY 3.0" downloaded from ICONFINDER
- 3D volumn reconstruction modified from Howard Chen's Post