I make things to help people think, communicate, and live free.
Keyvan Kambakhsh
- You want to ask, so ask.
+ Are you real?
- Well, if you can't tell, does it matter?
@nobitex Tehran/Iran
Danny Willems
If we use « it is not rocket science » to describe something easy, what if you are a rocket scientist and find your job easy?
LeakIX Mostly Belgium, but often moving
Ronan Sandford
Game developer of Autonomous Worlds. I like to call them Infinite Games (permission-less and persistent)
@etherplay Dundee, Scotland
Gregor Mitscha-Baude
Co-founder @zksecurity.
TypeScript hacker with 🍓 for crypto, math, zksnarks, P2P, Wasm, open source
@zksecurity Vienna, Austria
Sebastian Pipping
If you enjoy my Open Source work, please consider donating to the Free Software Foundation Europe (FSFE).
Berlin, Europe
Yunus Gürlek
Sorbonne Physics & Maths • Mina Protocol Developer Relations • ZK, o1js, JS, TS, C / C++, Blockchain and Full Stack Web / App Developer
@node101-io Paris / France