A highly customizable Changelog Generator that follows Conventional Commit specifications ⛰️
ERC-4337 (Account Abstraction) - modular and efficient bundler implementation in Rust.
The ZKFlow consensus protocol enables private transactions on Corda for arbitrary smart contracts using Zero Knowledge Proofs
Ethereum JSON-RPC multi-transport client. Rust implementation of web3 library. ENS address: rust-web3.eth
Template for a generic rust project hosted on GitHub
Yet another resource for collecting articles, videos etc. regarding functional programming
A collection of algorithms and data structures
Example of an actor in the new async/await world
brings Option / Result / match from Rust to Javascript
Curated list of awesome Token Curated Registry (TCR) resources.
Ethereum TypeScript Client Library - for perfect types and tiny builds.
Rust / Wasm framework for creating reliable and efficient web applications
A JavaScript / TypeScript / Python / C# / PHP / Go cryptocurrency trading API with support for more than 100 bitcoin/altcoin exchanges