- 杭州大学牲,广东人,会粤语和骑蟑螂
- 产品狗
- 做过很多公益,视障旅游、捐发、公益课堂…曾担任一个视障旅游项目的负责人。信息无障碍接触多年,需要无障碍调研对象可以找我
- 上善若水,覆舟载艇
- A university student in Hangzhou, a Cantonese that can speak Cantonese and ride cockroaches
- Major in Digital Media Technology, work as product manager 2B
- Intersted in public welfare and accessibility, once a project manager in a travel project for the visual impaired. If you need some help in accessibility research, you can find me in Zhihu/Douban @tracyw00, or wechat official account @thoughtsstore:)
- Be water, my friend.