This script uses EPEX spot hourly energy prices to control the power output of a Shelly device. It runs directly on the Shelly and the only technical requirement is that the Shelly has access to the internet. The script should run on all Gen2+ Shelly switches.
The goal of the script is to activate power output when prices are at their lowest during a predefined daily time window. Using configuration variables, you can set the time window and the number of hours that power output should be active. Example:
You set the time window so that it starts at 7:00 and ends at 19:00; in addition, you define that power output should be active for 4 hours within this window.
With the above settings, the behavior of the script depends on which mode you choose:
In block mode, the script will identify the 4-hour block with the lowest average price between 7:00 and 19:00 and activate power output for this block.
In non-block mode, the script will activate power output for the 4 cheapest hours between 7:00 and 19:00 - independent of whether they are consecutive or not.
The script provides an HTML endpoint that can be opened in the browser and shows the calculated schedule and the hourly prices:
There are some additional features:
- You can define a hard price limit (e.g. 10 cent/kWh) that must not be exceeded. If the price of any of the cheapest hours exceeds this limit, power output will not be activated for this hour.
- You can define a custom formula to convert the EPEX spot price to the price that is actually charged to you by your electricity provider.
- Telegram integration: Optionally, the script can send you Telegram messages whenever the timetable has been updated and when power has been switched on or off by this script.
- For multi-switch devices like the Shelly 2PM or 3PM, you can define which of the switches should be controlled by the script.
Note: The hourly prices are provided by, an organization that generously offers unrestricted access to their EPEX market price API. The license under which price data is made available depends on your location - see the API documentation for details.
Before you start the installation process, make sure that you have Firmware 1.4.4 or higher installed on the Shelly.
- Enter the IP Address of your Shelly in the URL field of your browser.
- Select the
Tab. - Click on the
Create Script
button. - Copy the COMPLETE source code from this link into the script window.
- (Optional): Enter a script name in the corresponding field.
- Change the configuration variables in the script to your preference (see next section for details).
- Click the
button. - Click the
button. The script is now running. - Go back to the
tab and make sure that the text below the script name saysRunning
(Also take note of the Script number that the Shelly has automatically assigned to the script. You will use this number later to review information in your browser.) - Activate the
Run on startup
switch to make sure that the script restarts after a reboot of the device.
Note that the first calculation run after the installation will take place at approximately 15:00
after the installation. You can see the next planned execution time by opening the URL
(you can find the script number on the
tab of the WebUI as mentioned in step 9 above).
The behavior of the script can be customized by changing the following variables to your needs:
This defines the code of the EPEX bidding zone that should be used as source for the prices. A list of the available zones can be found in the the energy-charts API documentation (expand the "Available bidding zones" dropdown).
The code of the bidding zone must be entered exactly as shown (capitalization is important!).
The script will switch on power for the number of hours that is defined in this variable. Depending
on the setting of the blockMode
variable (see below), power will either be activated in one
contiguous block or spread out over the time window (depending on the prices).
The switchOnDuration must be a whole number in the range of 1 to 24.
These two variables define the time window within which the cheapest hours will be found. The default time
window is 7:00 to 19:00.
Both values must be whole numbers in the range of 0 to 23. If you want the time window to match the calendar day, set both values to zero.
The time window will go over midnight if the end hour is less than the start hour - e. g. a start hour of 20
and an end hour of 4 sets a window from 20:00 to 4:00 on the following day.
This sets the basic operating mode of the script. Two modes are supported:
If blockMode
is set to true
, the script will switch on power for the block of switchOnDuration
consecutive hours with the lowest average price within the defined time window.
If blockMode
is set to false
, the script will switch on power for the cheapest switchDuration
hours within the time window, even if these hours do not form a contiguous block.
This variable defines a price limit which is expressed in cent per kWh. Power will not be switched on for hours with prices that are higher than this limit.
The price limit can have decimals - e.g. a value of 10.5 cent is perfectly fine. The default value
of Infinity
means that there is no price limit.
Generally, the script calculates with and displays EPEX spot prices. However, this is usually not the price that has to be paid to the electricity supplier - many suppliers add a markup to the spot price and taxes like VAT are added on top of that.
By changing the priceModifier function, you can define a formula that converts the EPEX market rate to the price that you actually have to pay to your supplier.
Example: An Austrian electricity supplier charges a markup of 1.3 cents per kWh to the EPEX rate and
the Austrian VAT of 20 % is added on top of that. In order to display this price in the script, you
would change the priceModifier
as follows:
function priceModifier(spotPrice) {
return (spotPrice + 1.3) * 1.2;
The formula can be as complex as you need it to be - just make sure that the expression after the
statement always returns a number. The resulting value will be rounded to two decimal
positions when it is displayed on the HTML endpoint.
Note: Even if you do not use this feature, do NOT remove this function - the script will not work if it is missing!
This setting sets the switch ID for Shelly devices with multiple switches (like the 2PM or 3PM). On
a device with only one switch, the ID is always 0
. Each instance of the script can only control
a single switch.
Set this to true
to activate the Telegram feature. In order to use this feature, you need to have
Telegram installed. You also need a Telegram token and a Telegram ChatID. A description on how to
obtain both can be found here:
How to
get Telegram Bot Chat ID.
The following variables are only used when telegramActive is true
Both variables MUST be filled when telegramActive is true - otherwise, the feature will not work.
The value of this variable will be included in the Telegram message in order to identify the sender. Especially useful when you run the script on several Shellies and want to know which one send which message.
If true, the script will send a Telegram message whenever a calculation run has finished successfully.
If true, the script will send a Telegram message when power output is switched on by the script.
If true, the script will send a Telegram message when power output is switched off by the script.
If there are no specific upgrade instructions in the CHANGELOG, use the following steps:
- Note down the values of your configuration variables
- Stop the script
- COMPLETELY replace the code of the script with the new version
- Reapply the values of your configuration variables from step 1
- Start the script
In order to reduce RAM usage on the Shelly, the script uses a process that compresses the HTML of the endpoint view and merges this compressed version into the script source code. If you want to change the script or the HTML view, you need use this process as well.
First, make sure that you have Node.js
installed on your machine (any recent version will do).
Then, clone the repository:
git clone
and install the development dependencies with npm (or the package manager of your choice):
npm i
Now, you can make your changes by repeating the following steps as often as you need:
- Modify
as needed - Run
npm run build
to execute the HTML compression and merge - Install the merged source file
on your Shelly´
See the source code in the build script build.js
for a detailed description of the compression
and merge process.