a C# embeddable lexer and parser generator (.Net core)
Mar 12, 2025 - C#
A grammar describes the syntax of a programming language, and might be defined in Backus-Naur form (BNF). A lexer performs lexical analysis, turning text into tokens. A parser takes tokens and builds a data structure like an abstract syntax tree (AST). The parser is concerned with context: does the sequence of tokens fit the grammar? A compiler is a combined lexer and parser, built for a specific grammar.
a C# embeddable lexer and parser generator (.Net core)
Home of LoycCore, the LES language of Loyc trees, the Enhanced C# parser, the LeMP macro preprocessor, and the LLLPG parser generator.
A modified version of the Irony project (https://irony.codeplex.com) with .NET Core support
A collection of libraries for implementing compilers in .NET.
The Parser Construction Kit ("Puck"): A Parser Generator and Grammar Translator in C#
Desktop Antlr Grammar Editor
A multiparadigm language intended to be embedded in .NET applications or compiled into other languages like Python or PHP. The internals of Aphid are clean and easy to work with, allowing for rapid creation of derivative domain-specific languages.
A straightforward recursive descent Parser Generator with a focus on "human" code generation and ease of use.
🍁 Compiler Compiler based on CSharp with GUI Program
A project contains both the sample grammars as well as the Windows Forms based grammar explorer for Irony.
C# Parser Generator is a tool that allows you to create LALR parsers. It includes a lexical, syntactic and semantic parser that can work at run time with native C# code, with no dependencies.
Parser of pictures from Lightshot
.NET runtime LALR parser generator
ANTLR 4 parser generator command line tool
X39s Code Generator - Creating your CST (Concrete-Syntax-Tree) with ease
Turbo Coco/R is a compile-time compiler generator which takes an attributed grammar of a source language and generates a scanner and a parser for this language.
"Parser gramMar anaLyzer" - Context-Free Grammar analyzer and generator.
Construct Parsers of any complexity using a declarative fluent syntax in C#.