LaTeX resume template for Pandoc based on Jason R. Blevins' template
Apr 14, 2022 - Dockerfile
LaTeX is a typesetting system used to create technical and scientific documents. It is an alternative to word processing, with an emphasis on content over appearance.
LaTeX resume template for Pandoc based on Jason R. Blevins' template
The ideal multi-user Data Science server with Jupyterhub and RStudio, ready for Python, R and Julia languages.
GitHub Codespacesを用いた 環境構築が容易な 日本語LaTeX執筆環境テンプレート
Docker images for TeXlive that easily adjust to your needs
GitHub action for building LaTeX documents via latexmk
A convenient way to run LaTeX on various platform using Docker (latexmk, pdflatex...).
A lightweight dockerfile for the latexindent plugin.
LaTeX Codespace Configuation
Docker image for a minimal texlive setup
A complete development container for Latex for use with VSCode/GitHub Codespaces
Automated checking of BibTeX .bib files for style correctness (with the help of bibcop from CTAN)
A workflow designed to make writing in markdown and LaTeX as easy as possible. Uses Docker and pandoc.
Created by Leslie Lamport
Released 1985