Monitoring Sunspec compatible Solar Inverters over Modbus TCP. This is collection of Perl scripts to monitor Inverter status and to log production data.
Included tools:
- sunspec-status
Known to work with following Inverters:
Manufacturer | Model | Firmware Version | Notes |
SolarEdge | SE11400 | 3.2251 | works ok |
SolarEdge | SE11400 | 3.2180 | works ok, intermitted inverter error status reported if multiple meters connected |
SolarEdge | SE11400 | 3.1968 | often first connection fails, but subsequent connections work |
SolarEdge | SE7600 | 3.2305 | works ok |
SolarEdge | SE7K | 3.2251 | works ok, may need "-m 0" |
SolarEdge | SE6000 | 3.2251 | works ok |
SolarEdge | SE3680 | 3.2228 | works ok |
SolarEdge | SE3680 | 3.2016 | works ok |
SolarEdge | SE3500 | 3.2186 | works ok |
SolarEdge | SE3500 | 3.2173 | often first connection fails, but subseuqent connetions work |
SolarEdge | SE10000 | 4.0022 | works ok |
Known to work with following Batteries:
Manufacturer | Model | Firmware Version | Notes |
SolarEdge | SE Energy Bank | SMCU 1.1.51 DCDC 1.1.33 BMS 1.0 | works ok |
Known to work with following Meters:
Manufacturer | Model | Firmware Version | Notes |
SolarEdge | SE-MTR-3Y-400V-A | 79 | works ok |
WattNode | RWND-3D-240-MB | 25 | works ok |
WattNode | WNC-3D-240-MB | 24 | doesnt appear to work (as "Export+Import" meter) ? |
WattNode | WNC-3Y-400-MB | 24 | works ok (for help see #4) |
WattNode | WND-3Y-400-MB | 25 | doesnt appear to work (as "Export+Import" meter) ? |
This script should work with any inverter that supports Modbus TCP and Sunspec standard...
- Net::Server module
- Device::Modbus module
- Device::Modbus::TCP module
This is simple script to query Inverter (and production/consumption meter) status. Script can be used interactively to display inverter status and details. Or alternatively it can be used to log production data into a CSV formatted file. CSV format is the default, but output in JSON format is also available.
If there is second (import/export) meter also connected to the inverter it is possible to query it as well. Default is to query meter in address 1. To query also second meter option -m 1,2 can be used. If no meter is installed -m 0 can be used to skip querying any meter.
StorEdge battery status can be also reported if installed. To enable display of battery status option -b can be used. This support was contributed by Ilker Deligoz. Multiple battery support contributed by Alastair Bor.
syntax: sunspec-status [options] <host>
--port=<port>, -p <port> Use port (default 502)
--address=<addr>, -a <addr> Modbus Address (default 1)
--meter=<meter>, -m <meter> Query meter (default 1)
(meter = 1..3 or 0 = no meter)
--phase=<phase>, -P <phase> Report PF for single phase only
(phase = A,B,C)
-battery=<batteries>, -b <batteries> Query battery status (e.g., 1 or 1,2)
--numeric, -n Numeric output mode (time, status)
--json, -j Output in JSON (instead of CSV) format
--timeout=<sec>, -t <sec> Timeout (default 10)
--output=<filename>, -f <filename> Append results to a file
--verbose, -v Verbose mode
--debug, -d Debug mode (dump raw Sunspec register values)
To query Inverter information and current status -v (or --verbose) option can be used:
# sunspec-status -v myinverter
Model: SolarEdge SE11400
Firmware version: 3.1968
Serial Number: 7Dxxxxxx
Status: ON (MPPT)
Power Output (AC): 8014 W
Power Input (DC): 8136 W
Efficiency: 98.50 %
Total Production: 148.122 kWh
Voltage (AC): 239.50 V (59.95 Hz)
Current (AC): 33.64 A
Voltage (DC): 360.60 V
Current (DC): 22.56 A
Temperature: 53.97 C (heatsink)
METER (#1):
Model: WattNode RWND-3D-240-MB
Option: Production
Firmware version: 25
Serial Number: 40xxxxx
Exported Energy: 148.457 kWh
Imported Energy: 0.012 kWh
Real Power: 8026 W
Apparent Power: 8031 VA
Power Factor: 1.00
Voltage (AC): 239.90 V (60.00 Hz)
Current (AC): 33.39 A
To get inverter status information in CSV format simply invoke script withouth --verbose (or --debug) options.
CSV output is in following format:
Columns | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
Values | timestamp | status | ac_power | dc_power | total_production | ac_voltage | ac_current | dc_voltage | dc_current | temperature | exported_energy_m1 | imporoted_energy_m1 | exported_energy_m2 | imported_energy_m2 |
Example output:
# sunspec-status myinverter
2018-01-30 13:42:01,ON,8007,8128,148275,237.90,33.71,359.90,22.58,54.21,148609,12,0,0
# sunspec-status -n myinverter
To log data every five minutes following cronjob could be used:
*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/sunspec-status myinverter >> /var/log/myinverter.csv &
If there are two meters in the system (typically a production meter and a second import/export meter at grid connection point) both can be queried simultaneously:
# sunspec-status -m 1,2 myinverter
2018-01-30 13:42:01,ON,8007,8128,148275,237.90,33.71,359.90,22.58,54.21,148609,12,35603,8471
If there are two batteries in the system both can be queried simultaneously:
# sunspec-status -b 1,2 myinverter
2025-02-28 23:07:42,ON (MPPT),-15,-15,262360,247.80,0.49,403.90,0.62,41.13,39625093,29111250,0,0,17674,20830,0.00,16.46,95.00,8548,18544,0.00,16.85,97.00