Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
ElasticSearchAPI searchAPI = retrofit.create(ElasticSearchAPI.class);
you can use a basic auth crendetials using user and password or using an auth token base64(user:ElasticSearchPassword)
ElasticSearchPassword: password get it form firebase database
HashMap<String, String> headerMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
headerMap.put("Authorization", Credentials.basic("user", ElasticSearchPassword));
Call<HitsObject> call =, "AND", searchQuery);
String searchQuery = "";
- Search: with "keywords" and * for more
searchQuery = searchQuery + keywords + "*";
- filtreing using wilaya:
searchQuery = searchQuery + " wilaya:" + <wilaya_name_for_filtering>;
- filtering using type:
searchQuery = searchQuery + " type:" + <type>;
- filtreing using rating:
searchQuery = searchQuery + " rating:" + <rating>;
ex wilaya filtrening :
- filtreing using ranges:
searchQuery = searchQuery + " price:" + [<startValue> To <endValue>];
ex price range from 0 to 300 [0,300] :*+price:[0 TO 300]
- scroll: paremeter will allow to configure how much time you want to save the search context
- size: maximum of hits to be returned
- First we save the search context:
searchQuery = searchQuery + " size=" + <max_of_hits>;
searchQuery = searchQuery + " scroll=" + <time>; //ex scroll=1m, m for minute
ex :*&size=3&scroll=1m
- Retrieve the next batch of results:
POST /_search/scroll
with those parameters
"scroll" : "1m",
- scroll: parameter tells Elasticsearch to keep the search context open for another 1m.
- _scroll_id: will be includes in first request result
- Clear Scroll Api
Search context are automatically removed when the scroll timeout has been exceeded. but here is how to delete it.
DELETE /_search/scroll
"scroll_id" : "DXF1ZXJ5QW5kRmV0Y2gBAAAAAAAAAD4WYm9laVYtZndUQlNsdDcwakFMNjU1QQ=="
from: parameter defines the offset from the first result you want to fetch (default=0)
size: parameter allows you to configure the maximum amount of hits to be returned (default=10)
searchQuery = searchQuery + " from=" + <page_number>;
searchQuery = searchQuery + " size=" + <size_of_page>;
ex :*&from=0&size=2
format : sort=<sorting parameter>:{'desc' or 'asc'}
searchQuery = searchQuery + " sort=" + price:desc;
searchQuery = searchQuery + " sort=" + price:asc;
real ex:*&sort=price:asc
Call<HitsObject> call =, "AND", searchQuery);
- You will receive data on way like this inside ur call:
hitsList = response.body().getHits();
for(int i = 0; i < hitsList.getPostIndex().size(); i++){
Log.d(TAG, "onResponse: data: " + hitsList.getProductIndex().get(i).getProduct());