A simple API based implementation of django admin.
There are two components of django remote admin:
- The django admin API server (included in the src/ directory)
- The Backbone/ Handlebars application to provide admin UI (included in the ui/ directory)
django Remote Admin is dependent on django-remote-forms
My djangocon US 2012 talk discusses some aspects of the Remote Admin in context of Remote Forms
- This is a proof of concept implementation for django-remote-forms
- This is not supposed to be a complete replacement for django admin
- File/ Image upload is not available (working on it)
- Haven't yet written the code for deletin instances
- Doesn't take into account form overrides in ModelAdmin classes (mostly because django has a custom ModelAdmin for User model and it's quite annoying)
- Haven't tested if ModelMultipleChoiceField works (might need some work in forms.js)
django-remote-admin is provided under MIT license. Feel free to use, hack and share.
There are 2 ways of getting the project set up
If you just want to get the application up and running without much hassle, try this.
Create a virtual environment (or not)
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Change the JS include line in ui/src/html/index.html to
<script data-main="/static/src/js/main" src="/https://github.com/static/lib/js/require/2.0.4/require.js"></script>
Sync database
./src/manage.py syncdb
Start the built-in django server
./src/manage.py runserver
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The goal of the django Remote Admin is to demonstrate how you can have a completely independent web application that communicates with an API server serving django admin apps/ models/ instances and instance forms
It should be noted that such a web application will still need to run under the same domain that serves the API
To simulate the scenario, do the following:
Create a virtual environment (or not)
Install requirements
pip install -r requirements.txt
Edit your Apache config (on Mac):
sudo pico /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
Add an Apache config to load the UI:
<VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot /Users/username/projects/django-remote-admin/ui/src/html Alias /src /Users/username/Projects/django-remote-admin/ui/src Alias /lib /Users/username/Projects/django-remote-admin/ui/lib <Directory /Users/username/Projects/django-remote-admin/ui> Order allow,deny Allow from all </Directory> </VirtualHost>
Sync database
./src/manage.py syncdb
Start the built-in django server
./src/manage.py runserver
Add the following configuration to proxy API requests to the built-in django server
<IfModule mod_proxy.c> ProxyPreserveHost On ProxyPass /adminapi/ ProxyPassReverse /adminapi/ </IfModule>
Restart your Apache (on Mac)
sudo /usr/sbin/apachectl restart
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