simple_form-tailwind Public
A basic rails generator for adding a simpleform config for tailwindCSS based forms
sailpoint Public
An official gem for accessing an IdentitiyIQ interface
crossbeam Public
An easy way to create and run service objects with callbacks, validations, errors, and responses
gemfile.directory Public
Forked from Shpigford/gemfile.directoryDirectory of Ruby gemfiles that are used in your favorite Ruby and Rails projects!
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJan 8, 2024 -
healthicons Public
A Ruby/Rails helper to easily display Healthicons SVG icons within your application views.
bootstrap_views_generator Public
A Rails generator for creating bootstrap styled views (Erb, Slim, and HAML).
pinebox Public
A rails starter template with devise, tailwind, stimulus, hotwire, ViewComponents, Vite, and TypeScript.
tailwind_views_generator Public
A Rails generator for creating Tailwind styled views (Erb, Slim, and HAML).
fx-sqlserver-adapter Public
An adapter for the fx gem to support versioned trigger/function/procedure migrations for SqlServer/MsSQL
mini_sql Public
Forked from discourse/mini_sqla minimal, fast, safe sql executor
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMay 10, 2021 -
kowl Public
Kowl is a Rails (v6.*) based opinionated application generator used to get started quickly
ldap_query Public
Used to easily query LDAP to authenticate or do a query for matching user attributes
Ruby MIT License UpdatedMar 7, 2021 -
global-style-guides Public
Forked from cookpad/global-style-guidesOfficial style guides for Cookpad Global
UpdatedFeb 13, 2020 -
semantic_ui_views_generator Public
A Rails generator for creating Semantic-Ui styled views (Erb, Slim, and HAML).
Shibboleth-SAML-IdP-and-SP Public
Forked from winstonhong/Shibboleth-SAML-IdP-and-SPShibboleth SAML identity provider and SAML service provider
CSS UpdatedSep 17, 2019 -
keep-a-changelog Public
Forked from olivierlacan/keep-a-changelogIf you build software, keep a changelog.
HTML MIT License UpdatedJul 8, 2019 -
headroom-rails Public
headroom.js packaged for use with the Rails asset pipeline
Interview-Solutions Public
Possible scripting problems/solutions that are occasionally used during Ruby interviews.
Ruby MIT License UpdatedSep 7, 2018 -
geoCrimeMap Public
Generate a local crimeMap based on recent police reports.
tech-interview-handbook Public
Forked from yangshun/tech-interview-handbook💯 Crowdsourced questions and study notes for rocking your coding interview.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 26, 2017 -
employee-handbook Public
Forked from sparksuite/employee-handbookAn employee handbook designed for transparency and clarity.
vudo-zsh_iterm Public
An oh-my-zsh theme to be applied and used with iterm2
MIT License UpdatedOct 16, 2016 -
debian-rails Public
A Vagrant/Ansible Provision using Debian as it's VM image to do a basic setup for a Rails Server