Java Client Testing Programs
As described to me, the problem app was doing about 10,000 consumer info calls periodically and repeatedly spread between 8 threads. The main complaint was that timeouts stack up and eventually bring the system down. So I built a system to replicate as best I can.
The run shown at the end ran for 46 hours.
The servers were run on one instance with a 5 node Failground cluster (containerized servers) with mayhem random-hard-kill running with an interval of 30-120 seconds.
The client processes were each run on their own instance
All Java processes were built and run with Java 21 using the 2.20.5 version of JNats.
Type Instance OS vCPU* Mem (GiB) Network Performance (Gbps)*** Failground t3.xlarge Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS 16 Up to 5 Client t3.large Amazon Linux 2023 8 Up to 5
The instances/processes are as follows. (The clients notes have links to code.)
The Failground setup running mayhem. Mayhem automatically kills and restarts servers periodically.
A "Produce" process does the following repeatedly until stopped:
- Generates a unique consumer name and subject on the
stream in the formdata.<consumer_name>
- Creates the consumer.
- Publishes from 10-100 messages on the subject.
- Publishes a message to the
stream containing the consumer name, subject and number of messages published.
- Each round (Steps 1-4) counts as 1 in the log.
- 6 individual full threads each ran the process.
- Failure at any step is logged, but ignored, meaning for instance if it fails at step 3, the consumer is not removed.
- The process pauses if there are 11,000 or more consumers. This is considered Full. It then waits until the Consume process removed consumers and would resume once there were 6,500 or fewer consumers.
- The process sleeps if it's Full of consumers.
- The process does not jitter until it reaches the cutoff / full state once. This helps load the system on startup.
- The process jitters after a success. It sleeps after a failure.
- Produce Source Code
An "Info" process does the following repeatedly until stopped:
- Read a list of consumer names from the stream. Shuffle the list.
- For each consumer in the list...
- Make a consumer info call.
- Any success is counted. Any failure is logged.
- 8 individual full threads each ran the process.
- The process jitters after a success. It sleeps after a failure.
- Info Source Code
A "Consume" process does the following repeatedly until stopped:
- Use a shared consumer against the
stream, read 1 record. This record contains a consumer name, subject and number of messages published. - Start a simplified consumer and fetch a fixed number of messages (not necessarily all messages for that subject).
- Delete the consumer
- Purge the subject
- Each round (Steps 1-4) counts as 1 in the log.
- 3 individual full threads each ran the process.
- The process jitters after a success. It sleeps after a failure.
- Consume Source Code
Stream | Description |
data | A stream used the processes to have subjects, consumers and messages. |
queue | A stream user for interprocess communication. |
ex | A stream to log info on exceptions. |
log | A stream to log counts. |
There is another process that watches the streams and displays the state. Every so often it gathers info. Here is the info just before I stopped all processes. An asterix on a line item shows that that particular items was updated since the last gather.
1. Basic stream information
│ Stream Information 2025-03-04T13:06:19 │
│ ? Stream │ Messages │ Subjects │ Consumers │ First Seq │ Last Seq │ Bytes │
│ * data │ 264,034 │ 5,431 │ 6,461 │ 9,494,559 │ 43,302,837 │ 13.58 mb │
│ * queue │ 0 │ 0 │ 1 │ 784,676 │ 784,675 │ 0.00 b │
│ ex │ 33,552 │ 8 │ 0 │ 1 │ 33,552 │ 8.02 mb │
│ * log │ 1,320 │ 17 │ 0 │ 352,161 │ 353,480 │ 174.20 kb │
2. A more specific breakdown of exceptions caught by the processes.
│ Exceptions │
│ ? Job (Thread) │ Exception │ Last Occurrence │ Count │ Message │
│ Consume │ IO │ 2025-03-04T13:13:19 │ 3,524 │ Timeout or no response waiting for NATS JetStream server │
│ Consume │ JetStreamApi │ 2025-03-04T00:37:30 │ 92 │ JetStream system temporarily unavailable [10008] │
│ Consume │ JetStreamStatus │ 2025-03-04T13:00:35 │ 178 │ 503 No Responders Available For Request │
│ Consume │ JetStreamStatusChecked │ 2025-03-04T10:14:33 │ 64 │ 503 No Responders Available For Request │
│ Info │ IO │ 2025-03-04T13:12:16 │ 16,597 │ Timeout or no response waiting for NATS JetStream server │
│ Info │ JetStreamApi │ 2025-03-04T13:12:15 │ 724 │ consumer is offline [10119] │
│ Produce │ IO │ 2025-03-04T13:12:18 │ 12,082 │ Timeout or no response waiting for NATS JetStream server │
│ Produce │ JetStreamApi │ 2025-03-04T13:12:15 │ 291 │ stream is offline [10118] │
3. The counts, by thread. Elapsed time was about 46 hours.
│ Log │
│ ? Job (Thread) │ Count │ Elapsed │
│ Consume (0) │ 261,124 │ 45:45:17.084 │
│ Consume (1) │ 261,283 │ 45:45:15.349 │
│ Consume (2) │ 260,595 │ 45:45:16.424 │
│ Info (0) │ 14,880,911 │ 46:00:28.813 │
│ Info (1) │ 14,872,681 │ 46:00:28.813 │
│ Info (2) │ 14,887,438 │ 46:00:28.813 │
│ Info (3) │ 15,311,403 │ 46:00:28.813 │
│ Info (4) │ 14,856,532 │ 46:00:28.818 │
│ Info (5) │ 14,843,474 │ 46:00:28.818 │
│ Info (6) │ 14,862,279 │ 46:00:28.813 │
│ Info (7) │ 14,900,289 │ 46:00:28.818 │
│ Produce (0) │ 132,434 │ 45:53:17.495 │
│ Produce (1) │ 135,446 │ 45:53:18.688 │
│ Produce (2) │ 107,122 │ 45:53:17.475 │
│ Produce (3) │ 130,931 │ 45:53:20.070 │
│ Produce (4) │ 121,031 │ 45:53:21.442 │
│ Produce (5) │ 157,041 │ 45:53:18.731 │