This repository contains the scripts and programs used in Flanagan & Jones (2017), "Constraints on the Fst-heterozygosity outlier approach".
This document outlines the contents of each directory in the fst_outliers repository.
fhsthet is an R package that calculates smoothed quantiles from empirical Fst-heterozygosity distributions to identify loci with extreme Fst values. The directory is the entire package and contains the R code, documentation files, and a vignette. The fsthet-manual.pdf is its manual and it is compiled in *.zip and *.tar.gz files in the fsthet/ directory.
You can install it using devtools::install_github("spflanagan/fsthet_analysis/fsthet")
This is the code obtained from It has been modified slightly so that it could be run en masse at the command line using the script (see below).
This directory contains the C++ program used to conduct a numerical analysis of migration and drift under Wright's island model. It contains a Visual studios project (numerical_analyiss.vcxproj) as well as the source code (numerical_analysis.cpp and random_numbers.h) and the compiled program (for Linux: numerical_analysis, for Windows: Debug/numerical_analysis.exe). Within this directory are zipped folders containing data output from the various parameter combinations.
The scripts/ directory contains several scripts that were used to generate the data for the paper.
- bootstrap_on_nullnum.R runs and analyzes the fsthet analysis on the numerical analysis results without selection.
- bootstrap_on_selnum.R runs and analyzes the fsthet analysis on the numerical analysis results WITH selection.
- plot_fdist.R plots the results of running the fdist2 simulator.
- shows how we ran the various parameter sets for fdist2.
-,, and all are various parameter set runs of the numerical analysis program (in programs/numerical_analysis)/
- testing_expectations.R is the script used to show that our numerical analysis results adhere to the expectations of the island model with drift and migration.
- testing_fst_calcs.R is a script comparing the different Fst calculation methods and is where the code for Fig. S2 is located.