Experimental test suite for real data experiments conducted for paper https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.09024
- NSIM Estimator: https://github.com/soply/nsim_algorithm
- Processed data sets: https://github.com/soply/db_hand
- Other estimators: -https://github.com/soply/simple_estimation for (SIR, Isotron, and shallow nets) using code from https://github.com/soply/sdr_toolbox for SIR and scikit-neuralnetwork for the shallow network. -https://github.com/soply/Python-ELM for the extreme learning machine algorithm
../nsim_algorithm/ ../local_sim_experiments/ ../simple_estimation/ ../db_hand/ (utils.py in this repo might adjusting the folder name for the data sets) ../Python-ELM/ ../sdr_toolbox/
should all be in the same base folder.