This is the source code of our papers:
ISWC2020 paper: "Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion based on Time Series Gaussian Embedding"
COLING2020 paper: "TeRo: A Time-aware Knowledge Graph Embedding via Temporal Rotation"
- Python 3.7, Pytorch 1.0, CUDA 8.0, Anaconda 4.8.3
- Python 3.7, Pytorch 1.4, CUDA 9.1, Anaconda 4.5.11
- The link of the original dataset YAGO11k can be found from paper: HyTE: Hyperplane-based Temporally aware Knowledge Graph Embedding
- The links of the original datasets ICEWS14 and ICEWS05-15 can be found from paper: Learning Sequence Encoders for Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion
- We uniform the formats of all these datasets.
Install dependencies and put dataset folders here
- contains PyTorch(1.x) based implementation of our proposed models
To reproduce the reported results of our models, use the following commands:
python --model TERO --dataset icews14 --dim 500 --lr 0.1 --gamma 110 --loss logloss --eta 10 --timedisc 0 --cuda True --gran 1 python --model TERO --dataset icews05-15 --dim 500 --lr 0.1 --gamma 120 --loss logloss --eta 10 --timedisc 0 --cuda True --gran 2 python --model TERO --dataset yago --dim 500 --lr 0.1 --gamma 50 --loss marginloss --timedisc 2 --cuda True --gran 1 --thre 100 python --model TERO --dataset wikidata --dim 500 --lr 0.3 --gamma 20 --loss logloss --timedisc 2 --cuda True --gran 1 --thre 300 python --model ATISE --dataset icews14 --dim 500 --lr 0.00003 --gamma 120 --loss logloss --timedisc 0 --cuda True --gran 3 --cmin 0.003 python --model ATISE --dataset icews05-15 --dim 500 --lr 0.00003 --gamma 100 --loss logloss --timedisc 0 --cuda True --gran 30 --cmin 0.003 python --model ATISE --dataset yago --dim 500 --lr 0.00003 --gamma 1 --loss logloss --timedisc 1 --cuda True --gran 1 --cmin 0.005 --thre 300 python --model ATISE --dataset wikidata --dim 500 --lr 0.00003 --gamma 1 --loss logloss --timedisc 1 --cuda True --gran 1 --cmin 0.005 --thre 300
Parameters and Some of the important available options include:
task: [LinkPrediction,TimePrediction] (default:LinkPrediction) model: [ATISE,TERO] (default: ATISE) dataset: [icews14,icews05-15,yago,wikidata] (default: icews14) max_epoch: (shoud be >500) (default: 5000) dim: number of dimension (default: 500) batch: batchsize (default:512) lr: learning rate (default:0.1) gamma: margin for translational models (default:1) eta: ratio of negative samples over the positives (default: 10) timedisc: the method used for handling facts involving time intervals: 0 means no time intervals; 1 means to discretize time intervals into time points; 2 means to use dual relation embeddings (default: 0) cuda: whether to use cuda devices (default: True) loss: use which loss function for optimization: logloss means logistic loss function; marginloss means margin rank loss (default: logloss) cmin: minimum threshold of covariance matrices of ATISE (default: 0.005) gran: the time unit of icews datasets (default: 1) thre: the mini threshold of time classes in yago and wikidata (default: 1)
Results will be printed out and stored in the corresponding dataset folders.
If you use the codes, please cite the following papers:
@inproceedings{ATiSE, title={Temporal knowledge graph completion based on time series gaussian embedding}, author={Xu, Chenjin and Nayyeri, Mojtaba and Alkhoury, Fouad and Yazdi, Hamed and Lehmann, Jens}, booktitle={International Semantic Web Conference}, pages={654--671}, year={2020}, organization={Springer} }
@inproceedings{TERO, title = "{T}e{R}o: A Time-aware Knowledge Graph Embedding via Temporal Rotation", author = "Xu, Chengjin and Nayyeri, Mojtaba and Alkhoury, Fouad and Shariat Yazdi, Hamed and Lehmann, Jens", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics", month = dec, year = "2020", address = "Barcelona, Spain (Online)", publisher = "International Committee on Computational Linguistics", url="/", doi = "10.18653/v1/2020.coling-main.139", pages = "1583--1593" }
ATISE is MIT licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.