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Portable bash command implementation and os shell command execution for node.js


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Node-sh is a bash command implementation and os shell command execution for node.js that runs on mac os, linux and windows. It makes you easier to execute your os shell commands, implement bash commands and functionalize it.

πŸ•Ή Install

 $ yarn add node-sh@npm:@seung_h/node-sh
 $ npm install node-sh@npm:@seung_h/node-sh

πŸ”₯ Features

  • TypeScript based, zero dependencies. πŸ“¦
  • Simple command execution with user environment.
  • 26 bash commands implemented.
  • Each command supports type-based JavaScript API and pipe commands.
  • Provides details about exceptions in user command with rendered code.

πŸ“Œ Import

 import 'node-sh' // $.commands
 import bash from 'node-sh' // bash.commands (named)

πŸ“ Usage

 import 'node-sh'
 const version = $.cat `package.json`.grep `version`
 if(version.includes('dev') || {
     $.cp `-r bin asm`
     $.chmod `--reference bin/exec asm/*`
     $.rm `-rf bin`
 const bash = $.which `bash`
 $.set `shell=${ bash }` //$ = bash.stdout
 $.echo `execution environment: $shell`
 $.chmod `u+x`
 $ `` // exec

πŸ” Command Reference

All commands run synchronously and return UnixExtension class (except void functions) that can use JavaScript API, redirection and pipe functions. Interpreter accept glob characters and change $variable to environment variable, ${...} expression to escape and quotes. etc.

$ `command`

Executes a command directly in the shell specified by the shell variable, using child process module.

 const exec = $ `ls -al | grep node-sh` // UnixExtension<string>

.redirect `OPERATOR FILE`

Create stdout redirection of executed commands. use > operator to overwrite and >> operator to insert.

 $.cat `-n`.redirect `>> output.txt`
✏️ Show All Command References

$.cat `[OPTION]... [FILE]...`

Return the contents of a given FILE or concatenated FILE(s) to standard output.

  • -n, --number : number all output lines.
  • -E, --show-ends : display $ at end of each line.
  • -T, --show-tabs : display TAB characters as ^I
 const cat = $.cat `-nE src/*.ts` // UnixExtension<string>

$.cd `[DIR]`

Change the current directory to DIR. Change to the previous directory using the - or $OLDPWD variable. If no stdin is supplied or -, change to HOME directory.

 $.cd `src`
 $.cd `$OLDPWD/dist`

$.chmod `[OPTION]... MODE[RFILE] FILE...`

Change the mode of each FILE to MODE. If reference option is supplied, change the mode of each FILE to that of RFILE.

  • -c, --changes : report only when a change is made.
  • --reference=RFILE : use RFILE's mode instead of MODE values.
  • -R, --recursive : change files and directories recursively.
 $.chmod `755`
 $.chmod `-R a=rwx dist`
 $.chmod `--reference`


Copy SOURCE to DEST, or multiple SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY.

  • -b, --backup : make a backup of each existing destination file.
  • -S, --suffix=SUFFIX : override the usual backup suffix (~).
  • -l, --dereference : always follow symbolic links in SOURCE.
  • -p, --no-dereference : never follow symbolic links in SOURCE.
  • -r, -R, --recursive : copy directories recursively.
  • -u, --update : copy only when the SOURCE file is newer than the destination file or when the destination file is missing.
 $.cp `test.ts src`
 $.cp `test.ts test1.ts src`
 $.cp `-rbS BACKUP_ build src` // backup suffix = BACKUP_

$.dirs `[+N] [N]`

Display the list of currently remembered directories. Add the directory stack using the pushd command and back up with the popd command.

  • -c : clear the directory stack by deleting all of the elements.


  • +N : Displays the Nth entry counting from the left of the list when invoked without options, starting with zero.
  • N : Displays the Nth entry counting from the right of the list when invoked without options, starting with zero.
 const dirs = $.dirs `` // UnixExtension<string[]> 
 $.dirs `-c`
 $.dirs `+3`

$.echo `[OPTION]... [STRING]...`

Echo the STRING(s) to standard output and print it.

  • -n : do not output the trailing newline.
 const echo = $.echo `Hello World!` // UnixExtension<string>
 $.echo `Print`

$.grep `[OPTION]... PATTERN [FILE]...`

Search for PATTERN(REGEX) in each FILE.

  • -i, --ignore-case : ignore case distinctions in patterns and data.
  • -v, --invert-match : select non-matching lines.
  • -n, --line-number : print line number with output lines.
  • -H, --with-filename : print file name with output lines.
  • -r, --recursive : read all files under each directory, recursively.
  • -l, --files-with-matches : print only names of FILEs with selected lines.
 const grep = $.grep `-i ^import src/*.ts` // UnixExtension<string[]>

$.head `[OPTION]... [FILE]...`

Print the first 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. If multiple files are supplied, prepend each with a header indicating the file name.

  • -c, --bytes=NUM : print the first NUM bytes of each file
  • -n, --lines=NUM : print the first NUM lines instead of the first 10.
  • -q, --quiet, --silent : never print headers giving file names.
 const head = $.head `-n 15 src/test.ts` // UnixExtension<string>
 $.head `-c 100 src/test.ts`
 $.head `-q src/*.ts`


By default, create hard link from SOURCE to DEST. If -s or --symbolic option is supplied, create symbolic link.

  • -b, --backup : make a backup of each existing destination file.
  • -f, --force : remove existing destination files.
  • -s, --symbolic : make symbolic links instead of hard links.
  • -S, --suffix=SUFFIX : override the usual backup suffix(~).
 $.ln `file link`
 $.ln `-bS BACKUP_ file exist` // backup suffix = BACKUP_

$.ls `[OPTION]... [FILE]...`

List information about the FILE(s). If FILE is not supplied, list information about the current directory.

  • -a, --all : do not ignore entries starting with ..
  • -A, --almost-all : do not list implied . and ...
  • -d, --directory : list directories themselves, not their contents.
  • -l : use a long listing format.
  • -L, --dereference : show information for the file the link references rather than for the link itself.
  • -r, --reverse : reverse order while sorting.
  • -R, --recursive : list subdirectories recursively.
 const ls = $.ls `-al`
 $.ls `-R src dist`
 $.ls `-l src/**/*.ts`

$.mkdir `[OPTION]... DIRECTORY...`

Create the DIRECTORY(ies), if they do not already exist.

  • -m, --mode=MODE : set file mode (must be octal - unmask).
  • -p, --parents : no error if existing, make parent directories as needed.
 $.mkdir `test test1`
 $.mkdir `-m 777 test`
 $.mkdir `-p test/test1` // if 'test' is not exist, make it.


Rename SOURCE to DEST, or move SOURCE(s) to DIRECTORY.

  • -b, --backup : make a backup of each existing destination file.
  • -S, --suffix=SUFFIX : override the usual backup suffix(~).
 $.mv `file file_renamed`
 $.mv `file file1 dir` // rename to 'dir/file', 'dir/file1'.

$.popd `[-n] [+N | N]`

Remove directories from stack. If no arguments are supplied, remove the top directory from the stack, and changes to the new top directory.

  • -n : Suppresses the normal change of directory when removing directories from the stack, so only the stack is manipulated.


  • +N : Removes the Nth entry counting from the left of the list, starting with zero.
  • N : Removes the Nth entry counting from the right of the list, starting with zero.
 const popd = $.popd `` // UnixExtension<string[]> - directory stack.
 $.popd `-n`
 $.popd `+3`

$.pushd `[-n] [+N | N | DIR]`

Add directories to stack. If no arguments are supplied, exchanges the top two directories.

  • -n : Suppresses the normal change of directory when adding directories to the stack, so only the stack is manipulated.


  • +N : Rotates the stack so that the Nth directory counting from the left of the list, starting with zero is at the top.
  • N : Rotates the stack so that the Nth directory counting from the right of the list, starting with zero is at the top.
  • DIR : Adds DIR to the directory stack at the top, making it the new current working directory.
 const pushd = $.pushd `` // UnixExtension<string[]> - directory stack.
 $.pushd `-n hello`
 $.pushd `dir`

$.pwd ` `

Print the name of the current working directory.

 const pwd = $.pwd `` // UnixExtension<string>

$.rm `[OPTION]... [FILE]...`

Remove (unlink) the FILE(s).

  • -f, --force : ignore nonexistent files and arguments, never prompt.
  • -r, --recursive : remove directories and their contents recursively.
 $.rm `file`
 $.rm `file file1 file2`
 $.rm `-rf dir`

$.rmdir `[OPTION]... DIRECTORY...`

Remove the DIRECTORY(ies), if they are empty.

  • -p, --parents : remove DIRECTORY and its ancestors; rmdir -p a/b/c -> rmdir a/b/c a/b a
 $.rmdir `dir`
 $.rmdir `-p parent/dir`

$.set `[-fvC]`

Set or unset, change the value of shell variables and attributes. If no arguments or options are supplied, display the names and values of shell variables. Using + rather than - causes these flags to be turned off.

  • -f : Disable file name generation (globbing).
  • -v : Print shell input lines as they are read(verbose).
  • -C : If set, disallow existing regular files to be overwritten by redirection(>) of output.
 const set = $.set ``
 $.set `-fC`
 $.set `+f`
 $.set `var1=value`

$.sleep `NUMBER[SUFFIX]`

Pause for NUMBER seconds. SUFFIX may be 's' for seconds (default), 'm' for minutes, 'h' for hours or 'd' for days.

 $.sleep `5`  // 5 seconds
 $.sleep `5m` // 5 minutes

$.sort `[OPTION]... [FILE]...`

Write sorted concatenation of all FILE(s) to standard output.

  • -f, --ignore-case : fold lower case to upper case characters.
  • -n, --numeric-sort : compare according to string numerical value.
  • -r, --reverse : reverse the result of comparisons.
 const sort = $.sort `-f file` // UnixExtension<string>
 $.sort `-r *.ts file`

$.tail `[OPTION]... [FILE]...`

Print the last 10 lines of each FILE to standard output. If multiple files are supplied, prepend each with a header indicating the file name.

  • -c, --bytes=NUM : output the last NUM bytes; or use +NUM to output starting with byte NUM of each file.
  • -n, --lines=NUM : output the last NUM lines, instead of the last 10; or use +NUM to output starting with line NUM.
  • -q, --quiet, --silent : never print headers giving file names.
 const tail = $.tail `-n 15 src/test.ts` // UnixExtension<string>
 $.tail `-n +15 src/test.ts`
 $.tail `*.ts files`

$.touch `[OPTION]... [FILE]...`

Update the access and modification times of each FILE to the current time. A FILE argument that does not exist is created empty unless -c option is supplied.

  • -a : change only the access time.
  • -c, --no-create : do not create any files.
  • -d, --date=STRING : parse STRING and use it instead of current time.
  • -m : change only the modification time.
  • -r, --reference=RFILE : use this RFILE's times instead of current time.
 $.touch `not_exist.js`     // create 'not_exist.js'
 $.touch `exist.js`         // change access and modification times.
 $.touch `-r file exist.js` // change times of 'exist.js' to 'file's time.
 $.touch `-d 1234-03-21 exist.js` // change times of 'exist.js' to Mar 21, 1234

$.uniq `[OPTION]... [INPUT [OUTPUT]]`

Filter adjacent matching lines from INPUT, writing to OUTPUT or standard output.

  • -c, --count : prefix lines by the number of occurrences.
  • -d, --repeated : only print duplicate lines, one for each group.
  • -i, --ignore-case : ignore differences in case when comparing.
 const uniq = $.uniq `-c file`
 $.uniq `file output` // write to 'output'.

$.unset `name...`

Each environment variable specified by name shall be unset.

 $.set `user=Test pass=1234` 
 $.unset `user pass`

$.which `[OPTION]... PROGRAM`

Search an executable or script in the directories listed in the environment variable PATH and print full path to standard output.

  • -a, --all : Print all matching executables in PATH, not just the first.
 const which = $.which `git` // UnixExtension<string>
 $.which `-a node`

$.whoami ` `

Print the user name associated with the current effective user ID.

 const user = $.whoami `` // UnixExtension<string>

πŸ“ Environment Variable

Variables in default structures are used only in the exec command. User can set the variable using set command or $ All commands change the $variable syntax to the value of it.

Default Environments

 $.env: {
     verbose    : boolean           = false
     prefix     : string            = ''
     shell      : string | boolean  = true
     max_buffer : number            = 200 * 1024 * 1024
 } // default structures
 $.env.noglob    : boolean = undefined
 $.env.noclobber : boolean = undefined
 $.env.OLDPWD    : string  = undefined

User Environments

 import 'node-sh'
 $.set `name=Jack`      // $ = 'seungh'
 $.echo `Hello, $name`  // Hello, seungh

πŸ›  Exceptions

Node-sh provides detail of the exceptions that occurred in user commands or internal and suggests solutions for them.


πŸ“‹ License

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Portable bash command implementation and os shell command execution for node.js








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