Lean mean Neo/vim machine, 30-45ms startup time.
Best with Neovim or Vim 8 with +python3 extensions enabled.
- Fast startup time
- Robust, yet light-weight
- Lazy-load 95% of plugins with Shougo/dein.vim
- Custom side-menu (try it out! Leader+l)
- Modular configuration
- Denite (Unite's successor) centric work-flow
- Extensive Deoplete and Neocomplete setup
- Lightweight simple status/tabline
- Easy customizable theme
- Premium color-schemes
- Central location for tags
1. Let's clone this repo! Clone to ~/.config/nvim
we'll also symlink it for Vim:
mkdir ~/.config
git clone git://github.com/seanrmurphy/vim-config.git ~/.config/nvim
ln -s ~/.config/nvim ~/.vim
(this was forked from git clone git://github.com/rafi/vim-config.git ~/.config/nvim
- Note: If your system sets
, use that instead of~/.config
in the code above. Nvim follows the XDG base-directories convention.
2. Almost done! You'll need a YAML interpreter, if you have Ruby installed - you can skip this step. Otherwise, either install yaml2json, or use Python:
pip3 install --user --upgrade PyYAML
3. If you are a first-time Neovim user, you need the python-neovim packages. Don't worry, run the script provided:
cd ~/.config/nvim
4. Run make test
to test your nvim/vim version and compatibility.
5. Run make
to install all plugins.
- Node.js based linters:
npm -g install jshint jsxhint jsonlint stylelint sass-lint
npm -g install raml-cop markdownlint-cli write-good
- Python based linters:
pip install --user pycodestyle pyflakes flake8 vim-vint proselint yamllint
- Shell lint: shellcheck.net
- HTML Tidy: html-tidy.org
- ag (The Silver Searcher): ggreer/the_silver_searcher
- z (jump around): rupa/z
- Universal ctags: ctags.io
- Fuzzy file finders: fzf, fzy, or peco
- Tern:
npm -g install tern
Run make update
If you want to add your own configuration, create the config/local.vim
and add your personal settings there. This file is ignored by .gitignore
- config/ - Configuration
- plugins/ - Plugin configurations
- plugins.yaml - Plugins!
- local.plugins.yaml - Custom user plugins
- vimrc - Initialization
- init.vim -
initialization - general.vim - General configuration
- local.vim - Custom user settings
- neovim.vim - Neovim specific setup
- mappings.vim - Key-mappings
- theme.vim - Color-scheme and theme setup
- filetype.vim - Language behavior
- terminal.vim - Terminal configuration
- ftplugin/ - Language specific custom settings
- plugin/ - Customized small plugins
- snippets/ - Personal code snippets
- themes/ - Themes! Combination of styles and color-scheme
- filetype.vim - Custom filetype detection
- Package management with caching enabled and lazy loading
- Project-aware tabs and label
- NERDTree as file-manager + Git status icons
- Go completion via vim-go and gocode
- Javascript completion via Tern
- Python Jedi completion, PEP8 convention
- Languages: PHP, Ansible, css3, csv, json, less, markdown, mustache
- Helpers: Undo tree, bookmarks, git, tmux navigation, hex editor, sessions, and much more.
Note that 95% of the plugins are lazy-loaded.
Name | Description |
Shougo/dein.vim | Dark powered Vim/Neovim plugin manager |
rafi/awesome-colorschemes | Awesome color-schemes |
rafi/vim-badge | Bite-size badges for the tab & status lines |
itchyny/vim-gitbranch | Lightweight git branch detection |
itchyny/vim-parenmatch | Efficient alternative to the standard matchparen plugin |
thinca/vim-localrc | Enable configuration file of each directory |
christoomey/tmux-navigator | Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits |
junegunn/vim-peekaboo | See the contents of registers |
tpope/vim-sleuth | Heuristically set buffer indent options |
itchyny/cursorword | Underlines word under cursor |
Name | Description |
othree/html5.vim | HTML5 omnicomplete and syntax |
mustache/vim-mustache-handlebars | Mustache and handlebars syntax |
pearofducks/ansible-vim | Improved YAML support for Ansible |
mitsuhiko/vim-jinja | Jinja support in vim |
groenewege/vim-less | Syntax for LESS |
hail2u/vim-css3-syntax | CSS3 syntax support to vim's built-in syntax/css.vim |
othree/csscomplete.vim | Updated built-in CSS complete with latest standards |
cakebaker/scss-syntax.vim | Syntax file for scss (Sassy CSS) |
ap/vim-css-color | Preview colors in source-code while editing |
plasticboy/vim-markdown | Markdown syntax highlighting |
rhysd/vim-gfm-syntax | GitHub Flavored Markdown syntax highlight extension |
pangloss/vim-javascript | Enhanced Javascript syntax |
othree/jspc.vim | JavaScript Parameter Complete |
MaxMEllon/vim-jsx-pretty | React JSX syntax pretty highlighting |
heavenshell/vim-jsdoc | Generate JSDoc to your JavaScript code |
moll/vim-node | Superb development with Node.js |
elzr/vim-json | Better JSON support |
fatih/vim-go | Go development |
tbastos/vim-lua | Improved Lua 5.3 syntax and indentation support |
vim-python/python-syntax | Enhanced version of the original Python syntax |
Vimjas/vim-python-pep8-indent | A nicer Python indentation style |
python_match.vim | Extend the % motion for Python files |
tmhedberg/SimpylFold | No-BS Python code folding |
raimon49/requirements.txt.vim | Python requirements file format |
StanAngeloff/php.vim | Up-to-date PHP syntax file (5.3 – 7.1 support) |
shawncplus/phpcomplete.vim | PHP completion |
osyo-manga/vim-monster | Ruby code completion |
toyamarinyon/vim-swift | Swift support |
vim-jp/syntax-vim-ex | Improved Vim syntax highlighting |
chrisbra/csv.vim | Handling column separated data |
tmux-plugins/vim-tmux | vim plugin for tmux.conf |
cespare/vim-toml | Syntax for TOML |
PotatoesMaster/i3-vim-syntax | i3 window manager config syntax |
dag/vim-fish | Fish shell edit support |
ekalinin/Dockerfile.vim | syntax and snippets for Dockerfile |
jstrater/mpvim | Macports portfile configuration files |
tpope/vim-git | Git runtime files |
robbles/logstash.vim | Highlights logstash configuration files |
andreshazard/vim-logreview | Bueatify log viewing |
exu/pgsql.vim | PostgreSQL syntax |
othree/nginx-contrib-vim | Fork official vim nginx |
IN3D/vim-raml | Syntax and language settings for RAML |
Name | Description |
scrooloose/nerdtree | Tree explorer plugin |
Xuyuanp/nerdtree-git-plugin | NERDTree plugin for showing git status |
chemzqm/vim-easygit | Git wrapper focus on simplity and usability |
tpope/vim-commentary | Code commenting helper |
t9md/vim-choosewin | Choose window to use, like tmux's 'display-pane' |
Shougo/vinarise.vim | Hex editor |
kana/vim-niceblock | Make blockwise Visual mode more useful |
guns/xterm-color-table.vim | Display 256 xterm colors with their RGB equivalents |
mbbill/undotree | Ultimate undo history visualizer |
metakirby5/codi.vim | The interactive scratchpad for hackers |
Shougo/vimproc.vim | Interactive command execution |
reedes/vim-wordy | Uncover usage problems in your writing |
brooth/far.vim | Fast find and replace plugin |
jreybert/vimagit | Ease your git work-flow within Vim |
tweekmonster/helpful.vim | Display vim version numbers in docs |
lambdalisue/gina.vim | Asynchronously control git repositories |
mzlogin/vim-markdown-toc | Generate table of contents for Markdown files |
easymotion/vim-easymotion | Vim motions on speed |
majutsushi/tagbar | Displays tags in a window, ordered by scope |
beloglazov/vim-online-thesaurus | Look up words in an online thesaurus |
Name | Description |
haya14busa/vim-asterisk | Improved * motions |
rhysd/accelerated-jk | Up/down movement acceleration |
haya14busa/vim-edgemotion | Jump to the edge of block |
t9md/vim-quickhl | Quickly highlight words |
rafi/vim-sidemenu | Small side-menu useful for terminal users |
Shougo/tabpagebuffer.vim | Tabpage buffer interface |
airblade/vim-gitgutter | Show git changes at Vim gutter and un/stages hunks |
nathanaelkane/vim-indent-guides | Visually display indent levels in code |
MattesGroeger/vim-bookmarks | Bookmarks, works independently from vim marks |
rhysd/committia.vim | Pleasant editing on Git commit messages |
benekastah/neomake | Asynchronous linting and make framework |
[junegunn/goyo] | Distraction-free writing |
[junegunn/limelight] | Hyperfocus-writing |
itchyny/calendar.vim | Calendar application |
vimwiki/vimwiki | Personal Wiki for Vim |
Name | Description |
Shougo/deoplete.nvim | Neovim: Dark powered asynchronous completion framework |
Shougo/neocomplete | Next generation completion framework |
Shougo/neosnippet.vim | Contains neocomplete snippets source |
Raimondi/delimitMate | Auto-completion for quotes, parens, brackets |
ludovicchabant/vim-gutentags | Manages your tag files |
mattn/emmet-vim | Provides support for expanding abbreviations alá emmet |
Shougo/echodoc.vim | Print objects' documentation in echo area |
Shougo/neosnippet-snippets | Standard snippets repository for neosnippet |
davidhalter/jedi-vim | Python jedi autocompletion library |
zchee/deoplete-go | deoplete.nvim source for Go |
zchee/deoplete-jedi | deoplete.nvim source for Python |
carlitux/deoplete-ternjs | deoplete.nvim source for javascript |
wellle/tmux-complete.vim | Completion of words in adjacent tmux panes |
ternjs/tern_for_vim | Provides Tern-based JavaScript editing support |
Name | Description |
Shougo/denite.nvim | Dark powered asynchronous unite all interfaces |
nixprime/cpsm | File matcher, specialized for paths |
chemzqm/unite-location | Denite location & quickfix lists |
chemzqm/denite-git | gitlog, gitstatus and gitchanged sources |
rafi/vim-denite-z | Filter and browse Z (jump around) data file |
rafi/vim-denite-session | Browse and open sessions |
rafi/vim-denite-mpc | Denite source for browsing your MPD music library |
Name | Description |
kana/vim-operator-user | Define your own custom operators |
kana/vim-operator-replace | Operator to replace text with register content |
rhysd/vim-operator-surround | Operator to enclose text objects |
haya14busa/vim-operator-flashy | Highlight yanked area |
kana/vim-textobj-user | Create your own text objects |
terryma/vim-expand-region | Visually select increasingly larger regions of text |
AndrewRadev/sideways.vim | Match function arguments |
AndrewRadev/splitjoin.vim | Transition code between multi-line and single-line |
AndrewRadev/linediff.vim | Perform diffs on blocks of code |
glts/vim-textobj-comment | Text objects for comments |
AndrewRadev/dsf.vim | Delete surrounding function call |
osyo-manga/vim-textobj-multiblock | Handle bracket objects |
kana/vim-textobj-function | Text objects for functions |
Note that,
- Leader key is set as Space
- Local-leader is set as ; and used for Denite & NERDTree
Key | Mode | Action |
Space |
All | Leader |
; |
All | Local Leader |
Arrows | Normal | Resize splits (* Enable g:elite_mode in .vault.vim ) |
Backspace |
Normal | Match bracket (%) |
K |
Normal | Open Zeal or Dash on some file types (except Python+Vim script) |
Y |
Normal | Yank to the end of line (y$) |
<Return> |
Normal | Toggle fold (za) |
S +<Return> |
Normal | Focus the current fold by closing all others (zMza) |
S +<Return> |
Insert | Start new line from any cursor position (<C-o>o) |
hjkl |
Normal | Smart cursor movements (g/hjkl) |
Ctrl +f |
Normal | Smart page forward (C-f/C-d) |
Ctrl +b |
Normal | Smart page backwards (C-b/C-u) |
Ctrl +e |
Normal | Smart scroll down (3C-e/j) |
Ctrl +y |
Normal | Smart scroll up (3C-y/k) |
Ctrl +q |
Normal | Remap to Ctrl +w |
Ctrl +x |
Normal | Rotate window placement |
! |
Normal | Shortcut for :! |
} |
Normal | After paragraph motion go to first non-blank char (}^) |
< |
Visual/Normal | Indent to left and re-select |
> |
Visual/Normal | Indent to right and re-select |
Tab |
Visual | Indent to right and re-select |
Shift +Tab |
Visual | Indent to left and re-select |
gh |
Normal | Show highlight group that matches current cursor |
gp |
Normal | Select last paste |
Q |
Normal | Start/stop macro recording |
gQ |
Normal | Play macro 'q' |
mj /mk |
Normal/Visual | Move lines down/up |
cp |
Normal | Duplicate paragraph |
cn /cN |
Normal/Visual | Change current word in a repeatable manner |
s |
Visual | Replace within selected area |
Ctrl +a |
Command | Navigation in command line |
Ctrl +b |
Command | Move cursor backward in command line |
Ctrl +f |
Command | Move cursor forward in command line |
Ctrl +r |
Visual | Replace selection with step-by-step confirmation |
, +Space |
Normal | Remove all spaces at EOL |
<leader> +<leader> |
Normal | Enter visual line-mode |
<leader> +a |
Normal | Align paragraph |
<leader> +os |
Normal | Load last session |
<leader> +se |
Normal | Save current workspace as last session |
<leader> +d |
Normal/Visual | Duplicate line or selection |
<leader> +S |
Normal/Visual | Source selection |
<leader> +ml |
Normal | Append modeline |
Key | Mode | Action |
<leader> +cd |
Normal | Switch to the directory of opened buffer (:lcd %:p:h) |
<leader> +w |
Normal/visual | Write (:w) |
<leader> +y / <leader> +Y |
Normal | Copy (relative / absolute) file-path to clipboard |
Ctrl +s |
All | Write (:w) |
W!! |
Command | Write as root |
Key | Mode | Action |
<leader> +ti |
Normal | Toggle indentation lines |
<leader> +ts |
Normal | Toggle spell-checker (:setlocal spell!) |
<leader> +tn |
Normal | Toggle line numbers (:setlocal nonumber!) |
<leader> +tl |
Normal | Toggle hidden characters (:setlocal nolist!) |
<leader> +th |
Normal | Toggle highlighted search (:set hlsearch!) |
<leader> +tw |
Normal | Toggle wrap (:setlocal wrap! breakindent!) |
g0 |
Normal | Go to first tab (:tabfirst) |
g$ |
Normal | Go to last tab (:tablast) |
gr |
Normal | Go to previous tab (:tabprevious) |
Ctrl +j |
Normal | Move to split below (<C-w>j) |
Ctrl +k |
Normal | Move to upper split (<C-w>k) |
Ctrl +h |
Normal | Move to left split (<C-w>h) |
Ctrl +l |
Normal | Move to right split (<C-w>l) |
* |
Visual | Search selection forwards |
# |
Visual | Search selection backwards |
<leader> +j |
Normal | Next on location list |
<leader> +k |
Normal | Previous on location list |
<leader> +b |
Normal | Toggle colorscheme background dark/light |
s +- |
Normal | Lower colorscheme contrast (Support solarized8) |
s += |
Normal | Raise colorscheme contrast (Support solarized8) |
Key | Mode | Action |
q |
Normal | Quit window (and Vim, if last window) |
Tab |
Normal | Next window in tab |
Shift +Tab |
Normal | Previous window in tab |
Ctrl +Tab |
Normal | Next tab |
Ctrl +Shift +Tab |
Normal | Previous tab |
\ +\ |
Normal | Jump to last tab |
s +v |
Normal | Horizontal split (:split) |
s +g |
Normal | Vertical split (:vsplit) |
s +t |
Normal | Open new tab (:tabnew) |
s +o |
Normal | Close other windows (:only) |
s +x |
Normal | Remove buffer, leave blank window |
s +q |
Normal | Closes current buffer (:close) |
s +Q |
Normal | Removes current buffer (:bdelete) |
<leader> +sv |
Normal | Split with previous buffer |
<leader> +sg |
Normal | Vertical split with previous buffer |
Key | Mode | Action |
; +r |
Normal | Resumes last Denite window |
; +f |
Normal | File search |
; +b |
Normal | Buffers and MRU |
; +d |
Normal | Directories |
; +l |
Normal | Location list |
; +q |
Normal | Quick fix |
; +n |
Normal | Dein plugin list |
; +g |
Normal | Grep search |
; +j |
Normal | Jump points |
; +o |
Normal | Outline tags |
; +s |
Normal | Sessions |
; +t |
Normal | Tag under cursor |
; +p |
Normal | Jump to previous position |
; +h |
Normal | Help |
; +v |
Normal/Visual | Register |
; +z |
Normal | Z (jump around) |
; +; |
Normal | Command history |
; +/ |
Normal | Buffer lines |
; +* |
Normal | Match line |
<leader> +gl |
Normal | Git log (all) |
<leader> +gs |
Normal | Git status |
<leader> +gc |
Normal | Git branches |
<leader> +gf |
Normal | Grep word under cursor |
<leader> +gg |
Normal/Visual | Grep word under cursor |
Within Denite mode | ||
Escape |
Normal/Insert | Toggle modes |
jj |
Insert | Leave Insert mode |
Ctrl +y |
Insert | Redraw |
r |
Normal | Redraw |
st |
Normal | Open in a new tab |
sg |
Normal | Open in a vertical split |
sv |
Normal | Open in a split |
' |
Normal | Toggle mark current candidate |
Key | Mode | Action |
; +e |
Normal | Toggle file explorer |
; +a |
Normal | Toggle file explorer on current file |
Within NERDTree buffers | ||
h/j/k/l |
Normal | Movement + collapse/expand + file open |
w |
Normal | Toggle window size |
N |
Normal | Create new file or directory |
yy |
Normal | Yank selected item to clipboard |
st |
Normal | Open file in new tab |
sv |
Normal | Open file in a horizontal split |
sg |
Normal | Open file in a vertical split |
& |
Normal | Jump to project root |
gh |
Normal | Jump to user's home directory |
gd |
Normal | Open split diff on selected file |
gf |
Normal | Search in selected directory for files |
gr |
Normal | Grep in selected directory |
Key | Mode | Action |
Enter |
Insert | Select completion or expand snippet |
Tab |
Insert/select | Smart tab movement or completion |
Ctrl +j/k/f/b/d/u |
Insert | Movement in completion pop-up |
Ctrl +<Return> |
Insert | Expand Emmet sequence |
Ctrl +o |
Insert | Expand snippet |
Ctrl +g |
Insert | Refresh candidates |
Ctrl +l |
Insert | Complete common string |
Ctrl +e |
Insert | Cancel selection and close pop-up |
Ctrl +y |
Insert | Close pop-up |
Key | Mode | Action |
<leader> +v |
Normal/visual | Toggle single-line comments |
<leader> +V |
Normal/visual | Toggle comment block |
Key | Mode | Action |
g +j |
Normal/Visual | Jump to edge downwards |
g +k |
Normal/Visual | Jump to edge upwards |
Key | Mode | Action |
<leader> +, |
Normal/Visual | Toggle highlighted word |
Key | Mode | Action |
v |
Visual/select | Expand selection |
V |
Visual/select | Reduce selection |
Key | Mode | Action |
s +s |
Normal | Jump to two characters from input |
s +d |
Normal | Jump to a character from input |
s +f |
Normal | Jump over-windows |
s +h |
Normal | Jump backwards in-line |
s +l |
Normal | Jump forwards in-line |
s +j |
Normal | Jump downwards |
s +k |
Normal | Jump upwards |
s +/ |
Normal/operator | Jump to free-search |
s +n |
Normal | Smart next occurrence |
s +p |
Normal | Smart previous occurrence |
Key | Mode | Action |
- |
Normal | Choose a window to edit |
<leader> +- |
Normal | Switch editing window with selected |
Key | Mode | Action |
m +a |
Normal | Show list of all bookmarks |
m +m |
Normal | Toggle bookmark in current line |
m +n |
Normal | Jump to next bookmark |
m +p |
Normal | Jump to previous bookmark |
m +i |
Normal | Annotate bookmark |
Key | Mode | Action |
<leader> +ga |
Normal | Git add current file |
<leader> +gS |
Normal | Git status |
<leader> +gd |
Normal | Git diff |
<leader> +gD |
Normal | Close diff |
<leader> +gc |
Normal | Git commit |
<leader> +gb |
Normal | Git blame |
<leader> +gB |
Normal | Open in browser |
<leader> +gp |
Normal | Git push |
Key | Mode | Action |
<leader> +hj |
Normal | Jump to next hunk |
<leader> +hk |
Normal | Jump to previous hunk |
<leader> +hs |
Normal | Stage hunk |
<leader> +hr |
Normal | Revert hunk |
<leader> +hp |
Normal | Preview hunk |
Key | Mode | Action |
, +df |
Visual | Mark lines and open diff if 2nd region |
, +da |
Visual | Mark lines for diff |
, +ds |
Normal | Shows the diff between all the marked areas |
, +dr |
Normal | Removes the signs denoting the diff'ed regions |
Key | Mode | Action |
m +g |
Normal | Open Magit |
<leader> +l |
Normal | Open sidemenu |
<leader> +o |
Normal | Open tag-bar |
<leader> +G |
Normal | Toggle distraction-free writing |
<leader> +gu |
Normal | Open undo tree |
<leader> +W |
Normal | Wiki |
<leader> +K |
Normal | Thesaurus |
<leader> +? |
Normal | Dictionary (macOS only) |
Big thanks to the dark knight Shougo.