Billys Current Projects ongoing:
Advanced Foundry
Foundry Fundamentals -/ completed
Solidity 101 -/completed
** ZTM Python Programming: The Complete Python Developers Guide: Zero To Mastery***
More recently deep dive into Django pythonji 🐼.🐍
🔭 I'm currently working on [Foundry-Fund-Me-f23](
🌱 I’m currently learning Solidity- Smart Contracts
2024 Pipeline Projects Typescript and RUST with a view to reaching out and understanding AWS Package:
** ZTM RUST Programming: The Complete Developers Guide*
** ZTM Blockchain-Ethereum-Solidity: The Complete Developers Guide***
** ZTM Passport: React Native Developer 2023: Zero To MASTERY [with Hooks]
** ZTM JavaScript: The Advanced Concepts
** ZTM Passport: Intermediate JavaScript Developer
Blockchain, Solidity, and Full Stack Web3 Development with JavaScript
A Web Developer specializing in JavaScript technologies with the motivation, goal setting and desire to achieve good Developer status. A record of planning, executing, coding and evaluating smart code on VSC, languages HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Bootstrap, Projects Cryptokitties, Github turned in repository clone projects using Coingecko edition V3, & Etherscan, Blockchain clones and utilising Coinmarket cap to create Cryptocurrency data and price charts for webpages.
Naturally analytical, I am keen to combine my interest in software and technology, complete Blockchain and Solidity development; with my interpersonal communication skills to add value whilst successfully managing the delivery of business systems development solutions. I have in-depth commercial awareness, which I can translate into the realization of a business’s long-term objectives, affecting positive change to enable success.
My varied work experience has increased my ability to be flexible and adapt to changing environments and I have a track record of improving quality and increasing efficiency, recognized by both peers and senior management for my attention to detail and passion for achieving excellent results.
Fast learner, past public speaking experience, communicating with people from diverse cultures and backgrounds and at all levels. Able to build strong, long term relationships with clients and key stakeholders, demonstrating tact, diplomacy, sound judgement, initiative and discretion.
⚡ Fun fact **Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know, and capable of more than you imagine.**
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