Codefolio, a pragmatic solution for developers seeking a sleek and efficient way to showcase their work. This open-source project combines a developer's expertise, a portfolio's utility, and minimal design that looks just like a code editor except it is not a code editor.
- node >= 18
This project uses npm as package manager
npm install
Clone the project
Go to the project directory
cd codefolio
Install dependencies
npm install
Start development server
npm run dev
Linting before deployment
npm run lint
To update the content you just need to modify src/values/strings.json
file and that's all. To add more sections simply Modify src/containers/Portfolio.tsx
- Visualize VS Code
- Bottom Panel
- Line numbers
- Scrollbar (Cross Browser) Compatilblity
- Minimap
All code contributions - if you want change the ui - must go through a pull request and be approved by a core developer before being merged. This is to ensure a proper review of all the code.
I would love pull requests! If you wish to help.
Please follow Contribution Guide
flowchart TD
A[salman-ibrahim/codefolio] --> B{Get This Repo};
B -- By Fork --> C[yourusername/codefolio];
B -- By Clone --> D[Your Local Repo];
C ----> E[Create New Branch];
D ----> E[Create New Branch];
E --> F[Maka Some Changes];
F --> G[Commit Changes];
G -- On GitHub --> H[Create Pull Request];
H -- If Rejected -- Make more changes --> F;
H -- If Approved --> I[Changes Done]
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.
Salman Ibrahim - - salmanibrahim@duck.com
Project Link: https://github.com/salman-ibrahim/codefolio