Welcome to S-GDB! S-GDB is designed to help students and beginners get more familiar with GDB.
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This installation procedure assumes you already have GDB installed and available via the gdb
command on your terminal/cli.
Once GDB is installed, open a new terminal window and follow these instructions:
Clone the S-GDB repo
git clone github.com/rva5120/sgdb
Change .gdbinit to always source the sgdb.py script
vim ~/.gdbinit
[add this line to the .gdbinit ->] source <path>/<to>/sgdb/sgdb.py
S-GDB features 5 commands, including a tutorial. After installing S-GDB, you can start running GDB. If you changed .gdbinit appropriately (as recommended on the installation), you can start using any othe the commands below.
(gdb) tutorial
x86 Instruction Information
(gdb) instruction <instruction name>
Loops Highlighting
(gdb) show loops <function name>
Recursion Highlighting
(gdb) show recursion <function name>
Examining Memory
(gdb) memory
Tutorial Errors:
- If needed, notes.c might need to be recompiled:
gcc notes.c -o notes -ggdb
To add more commands, please refer to sgdb.py.