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A tool for packing, unpacking, compressing and obfuscating Python bytecode files (.pyc) . Python字节码文件(.pyc)压缩、加壳、脱壳、混淆工具。


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Stars GitHub release License: MIT

The English introduction is placed below the Chinese version.




pip install pyc-zipper



pyc-zipper [options] [file1 file2 ...]


pyc-zipper [-h] [--obfuscate] [--obfuscate-global]
                [--obfuscate-lineno] [--obfuscate-filename]
                [--obfuscate-code-name] [--obfuscate-bytecode]
                [--obfuscate-argname] [--unpack] [--version]
                [--compress-module COMPRESS_MODULE] [--no-obfuscation]
                file1 [file2 ...]


  • file1, file2: 文件名,可以是.py文件或.pyc文件。如果提供了.py文件,则会自动生成处理后的.pyc。
  • compress-module: 压缩pyc文件的模块,如bz2,lzma,zlib,brotli等,但要求模块必须有compressdecompress函数。如果不提供,则不压缩pyc文件。
  • obfuscate: 使用默认选项混淆pyc文件,会启用混淆除参数名以外的所有选项。
  • obfuscate-global: 混淆全局变量名,以及类名、函数名等。
  • obfuscate-lineno: 混淆行号信息,使得反编译者无法通过Traceback得知行号进行反编译。
  • obfuscate-filename: 混淆字节码对应的原始.py源文件名,会去除源文件名如C:\Users\<用户名>\...\Python313\Lib\original_source.py中的用户名等隐私。
  • obfuscate-code-name: 混淆字节码的内部名称(函数名、类名)。
  • obfuscate-bytecode: 混淆字节码的指令。
  • obfuscate-argname: 混淆函数参数名。(目前要求代码不能用关键字参数调用被混淆的函数)
  • no-obfuscation: 禁用混淆功能。(如果不指定禁用混淆,混淆本地变量名是默认启用的)


  • unpack: 解压缩被压缩过的pyc文件,pyc-zipper会自动检测模块名称,模块名称也可以手动通过compress-module参数提供。注意unpack开关只能和compress-module,不能和其他开关一起使用。

此外,如果终端提示找不到pyc-zipper命令,可以用python -m pyc_zipper替代。


pyc-zipper内置了集成PyInstaller打包工具的功能。调用pyinstaller file.py之后,会生成一个文件file.spec

from pyc_zipper import hook_pyinstaller




pyinstaller file.spec


3926 INFO: checking PKG
3927 INFO: Building PKG because PKG-00.toc is non existent
3927 INFO: Building PKG (CArchive) PKG-00.pkg
pyc-zipper: processing ('pyiboot01_bootstrap', 'D:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python37-32\\lib\\site-packages\\PyInstaller\\loader\\') in _load_code
Obfuscating code '<module>'
Obfuscating code 'NullWriter'
Obfuscating code 'write'
Obfuscating code 'flush'
Obfuscating code 'isatty'
Obfuscating code '_frozen_name'
Obfuscating code 'PyInstallerImportError'
Obfuscating code '__init__'





加壳后的.pyc文件中存在一个"压缩壳",首先解压缩、还原出原先的字节码,再执行。 以zlib为例,自解压缩程序如下:

import zlib, marshal
exec(marshal.loads(zlib.decompress(b'x\xda...'))) # b'x\xda...'为压缩后的字节码数据


import bz2, marshal
import lzma, marshal




这些压缩工具兼容所有Python 3版本,由于不依赖特定版本的字节码。



obfuscate_code 函数的简明混淆原理

1. 混淆代码元数据,反调试
if obfuscate_lineno:
    co.co_lnotab = b''
    co.co_firstlineno = 1
if obfuscate_filename: co.co_filename = ''
if obfuscate_code_name: co.co_name = ''
  • co_lnotab 设置为空字节串,清空行号映射表。(对于3.10+的版本,pyobject库会自动将co_lnotab转换为co_linetable,无需考虑兼容性)
  • co_firstlineno 设置为 1,由于行号计算是co_firstlinenoco_lnotab的计算结果相加的。
  • co_filename 设置为空字符串,隐藏代码来源的文件路径。
  • co_name 设置为空字符串,隐藏代码对象的名称(如函数名)。


2. 混淆二进制字节码
if obfuscate_bytecode and co.co_code[-len(RET_INSTRUCTION)*2:] != RET_INSTRUCTION*2:
    co.co_code += RET_INSTRUCTION
  • 检查二进制字节码(co_code)的尾部是否已经包含两个连续的返回指令(RET_INSTRUCTION),如果没有,则追加一个无用的返回指令,目的是干扰反编译工具的解析。
3. 混淆局部变量名

Python字节码的局部变量名存储在co_varnamesco_cellvars, co_freevars属性中。

def f():
    def g():



  • 从上层继承的自由变量,在closure_vars字典中。
  • 函数内部新定义的co_cellvars
  • 函数定义的普通变量co_varnames


4. 混淆全局变量名


此外,由于from ... import *指令用到的IMPORT_STAR会导入大量的名称,因此也需要不混淆导入的名字。

5. 递归处理嵌套字节码

compile("def f():pass","","exec")返回的字节码的co_consts(<code object f at 0x..., file "", line 1>, 'f', None),会嵌套进函数f()本身的字节码。


  • 遍历 co_consts,找到嵌套的字节码对象(如嵌套函数、类等)。
  • 对嵌套的字节码对象递归调用 process_code
6. 对于格式化字符串(f-string)是否有效


>>> from dis import dis
>>> dis("f'start{x!r}end'")
  0           RESUME                   0

  1           LOAD_CONST               0 ('start')
              LOAD_NAME                0 (x)
              CONVERT_VALUE            2 (repr)
              LOAD_CONST               1 ('end')
              BUILD_STRING             3




-- Stacks of completed symbols:
START ::= |- stmts . 
and ::= expr . JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP expr \e_come_from_opt
and ::= expr . JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP expr come_from_opt
and ::= expr . jifop_come_from expr
and ::= expr . jmp_false expr
and ::= expr . jmp_false expr COME_FROM
and ::= expr . jmp_false expr jmp_false
Instruction context:
                  60  STORE_FAST               'l3'
                  62  LOAD_GLOBAL              g18
                  64  LOAD_FAST                'l3'
                  66  CALL_FUNCTION_1       1  '1 positional argument'
                  68  RETURN_VALUE     

import functools
    from timer_tool import timer
except ImportError:
    def (func):
        return func

g4 = False

def (l0, l1, l2=[], l3=False):
    for l4 in dir(l0):
        if (l3 or l4.startswith)("_"):
        elif l4 in l2:
            l1[l4] = getattr(l0, l4)

g9 = {}
for g13 in range(len(g8.priority)):
    for g14 in g8.priority[g13]:
        g9[g14] = g13

g5(g8, globals(), ["priority"])

def (l0, l1):
    l2 = g9[l1]
    l3 = g9[getattr(l0, "_DynObj__last_symbol", HIGHEST)]
    l4 = "({!r})" if l2 > l3 else "{!r}"
    return l4.format(l0)

class :
    _cache = {}
    if g4:
        def (l0, l1, l2=HIGHEST):
            if l1 in l0._cache:
                return l0._cache[l1]
            l3 = super().__new__(l0)
            l0._cache[l1] = l3
            return l3

    def (l0, l1, l2=HIGHEST):
        l0._DynObj__code = l1
        l0._DynObj__last_symbol = l2

    def Parse error at or near `LOAD_FAST' instruction at offset 16

    def (l0, l1):
        l2 = "{}.{}".format(l0, l1)
        return g18(l2)

    def (l0, l1):
        return g18(f"{g16(l0, ADD)} + {g16(l1, ADD)}", ADD)

# Deparsing stopped due to parse error


这个混淆工具也兼容所有Python 3版本,由于不依赖特定版本的字节码。



This repository implements a complete toolchain for compressing, packing, obfuscating and unpacking pyc files based on Python's underlying bytecode.

0. Installation and Dependencies

Open the terminal and enter the command:

pip install pyc-zipper

This will install pyc-zipper.
Additionally, this tool depends on the pyobject library, particularly the Code class in the pyobject.code_ submodule. The Code class is a mutable bytecode wrapper that spans multiple Python versions (currently supporting 3.4 to 3.14) and even other implementations including PyPy.
When installing pyc-zipper, the pyobject library will be automatically installed, so manual installation is not required.

1. Usage and Command Line

pyc-zipper [options] [file1 file2 ...]

The available options are:

pyc-zipper [-h] [--obfuscate] [--obfuscate-global]
                [--obfuscate-lineno] [--obfuscate-filename]
                [--obfuscate-code-name] [--obfuscate-bytecode]
                [--obfuscate-argname] [--unpack] [--version]
                [--compress-module COMPRESS_MODULE] [--no-obfuscation]
                file1 [file2 ...]

Compression, Obfuscation, and Packing

  • file1, file2: File names, which can be .py files or .pyc files. If a .py file is provided, a processed .pyc will be automatically generated.
  • compress-module: The module used to compress .pyc files, such as bz2, lzma, zlib, brotli, etc., but the module must have compress and decompress functions. If not provided, the .pyc file will not be compressed.
  • obfuscate: Obfuscate the .pyc file using default options, enabling all options except for parameter name obfuscation.
  • obfuscate-global: Obfuscate global variable names, as well as class names, function names, etc.
  • obfuscate-lineno: Obfuscate line number information, preventing decompilers from knowing the line numbers through Traceback.
  • obfuscate-filename: Obfuscate the original .py source file name corresponding to the bytecode, removing privacy information such as the username from paths like C:\Users\<username>\...\Python313\Lib\
  • obfuscate-code-name: Obfuscate the internal names (function names, class names) of the bytecode.
  • obfuscate-bytecode: Obfuscate the bytecode instructions.
  • obfuscate-argname: Obfuscate function parameter names. (TODO: currently the source code cannot use keyword arguments to call obfuscated functions.)
  • no-obfuscation: Disable obfuscation. (If obfuscation is not explicitly disabled, obfuscating local variable names is enabled by default.)

Decompression and Unpacking

  • unpack: Decompress previously compressed .pyc files. pyc-zipper will automatically detect the module name, which can also be manually provided through the compress-module parameter. Note that the unpack switch can only be used with compress-module and cannot be combined with other switches.

Additionally, if the terminal prompts that the pyc-zipper command cannot be found, you can use python -m pyc_zipper as an alternative.

For PyInstaller

pyc-zipper has built-in functionality to integrate with the PyInstaller packaging tool. After calling pyinstaller, a file named file.spec will be generated.
file.spec is generally a Python file, and you only need to add the following at the beginning of file.spec:

from pyc_zipper import hook_pyinstaller

Alternatively, you can customize your own parameters, such as:

hook_pyinstaller(comp_module="lzma", no_obfuscation=False,
                 obfuscate_global=True, obfuscate_lineno=True,
                 obfuscate_filename=True, obfuscate_code_name=True,
                 obfuscate_bytecode=True, obfuscate_argname=False)

comp_module is a string representing the name of the compression module, defaulting to None. Aside from that, the usage of most parameters is consistent with the command line options of pyc-zipper.
Finally, run:

pyinstaller file.spec

Note that you cannot use pyinstaller again, as it will generate a new spec file that will overwrite file.spec.
If you see output information from pyc-zipper while running PyInstaller, such as:

3926 INFO: checking PKG
3927 INFO: Building PKG because PKG-00.toc is non existent
3927 INFO: Building PKG (CArchive) PKG-00.pkg
pyc-zipper: processing ('pyiboot01_bootstrap', 'D:\\Users\\Administrator\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Python\\Python37-32\\lib\\site-packages\\PyInstaller\\loader\\') in _load_code
Obfuscating code '<module>'
Obfuscating code 'NullWriter'
Obfuscating code 'write'
Obfuscating code 'flush'
Obfuscating code 'isatty'
Obfuscating code '_frozen_name'
Obfuscating code 'PyInstallerImportError'
Obfuscating code '__init__'

Then the obfuscation is successful.

2. Compression Packing

pyc_zipper/ is responsible for adding a compression pack to .pyc files. The packed .pyc files will call Python's built-in bz2, lzma, or zlib modules to decompress the bytecode during execution.

Self-Extracting Program

In the packed .pyc file, there is a "compression pack" that first decompresses and restores the original bytecode before execution.

For example, using zlib, the self-extraction program is as follows:

import zlib, marshal
exec(marshal.loads(zlib.decompress(b'x\xda...'))) # b'x\xda...' is the compressed bytecode data

For bz2 and lzma:

import bz2, marshal
import lzma, marshal

Compression Efficiency Comparison

My tests have shown that the .pyc file compressed with lzma results in the smallest size, followed by bz2, with zlib performing the least efficiently.


These compression tools are compatible with all versions of Python 3, as they do not rely on specific bytecode versions.

3. Obfuscation and Anti-Decompilation Packing

The previous compression tools cannot prevent .pyc files from being decompiled by libraries like uncompyle6. To prevent decompilation, an obfuscation tool in pyc_zipper/ is used to obfuscate the bytecode instructions and variable names.

A Brief Introduction to the Obfuscation Principles

1. Obfuscating Code Metadata and Anti-Debugging
if obfuscate_lineno:
    co.co_lnotab = b''
    co.co_firstlineno = 1
if obfuscate_filename: co.co_filename = ''
if obfuscate_code_name: co.co_name = ''
  • Set co_lnotab to an empty byte string to clear the line number mapping table. (For Python 3.10+, the pyobject library automatically converts co_lnotab to co_linetable, so compatibility is not an issue.)
  • Set co_firstlineno to 1, as line numbers are calculated by adding co_firstlineno and the results from co_lnotab.
  • Set co_filename to an empty string to hide the file path of the code source.
  • Set co_name to an empty string to hide the name of the code object (e.g., function name).

This completely hides the filename, line number, and function name information in Traceback error outputs, increasing the difficulty of reverse engineering.

2. Obfuscating Binary Bytecode
if obfuscate_bytecode and co.co_code[-len(RET_INSTRUCTION)*2:] != RET_INSTRUCTION*2:
    co.co_code += RET_INSTRUCTION
  • Check if the binary bytecode (co_code) already contains two consecutive return instructions (RET_INSTRUCTION) at the end. If not, append a redundant return instruction to disrupt the parsing of decompilation tools.
3. Obfuscating Local Variable Names

Local variable names in Python bytecode are stored in the co_varnames, co_cellvars, and co_freevars attributes.

  • co_varnames contains local variable names used only within the function.
  • co_cellvars contains variable names exported to inner closure functions.
  • co_freevars contains variable names referenced from outer closure functions.

For example:

def f():
    x, y = 1, 2; z = 3
    def g():
        print(x, y)
  • f.__code__.co_cellvars will include the exported variable names ("x", "y") but not "z", which is only used within f.
  • f.__code__.co_varnames will include the variable name ("z",).
  • g.__code__.co_freevars will include the imported variable names ("x", "y").

The code replaces local variable names with sequential numbers in the following order:

  1. Free variables inherited from the outer scope, stored in the closure_vars dictionary.
  2. Newly defined co_cellvars within the function.
  3. Ordinary variables defined in co_varnames.

Additionally, since obfuscating parameter names can prevent proper keyword argument passing, this feature is optional.

4. Obfuscating Global Variable Names

Unlike local variables, global variable names are stored in the co_names attribute of the bytecode.
The co_names attribute also includes other names, such as attribute names, imported module names, and built-in function names, which should not be obfuscated.

The code:

  • Uses the dis.get_instructions function to retrieve all bytecode instructions.
  • Identifies the operands of STORE_NAME instructions (global variable names).
  • Analyzes operands of instructions like IMPORT_NAME, IMPORT_FROM, and LOAD_ATTR that also reference co_names to avoid obfuscating them and causing naming conflicts.
  • Ensures that names imported via from ... import * (handled by the IMPORT_STAR instruction) are not obfuscated, as they introduce many names.
5. Recursively Processing Nested Bytecode

Constants used in Python bytecode are stored in the co_consts attribute. If the code defines functions or classes, their bytecode is also stored in co_consts.
For example, the bytecode returned by compile("def f(): pass", "", "exec") has co_consts as (<code object f at 0x..., file "", line 1>, 'f', None), which includes the bytecode of the function f().

The code:

  • Iterates through co_consts to find nested bytecode objects (e.g., nested functions, classes).
  • Recursively calls process_code on the nested bytecode objects.
6. Effectiveness on Formatted Strings (f-strings)

Python's formatted strings are compiled into bytecode without storing variable names as a whole. Instead, they are split into multiple substrings, like this:

>>> from dis import dis
>>> dis("f'start{x!r}end'")
  0           RESUME                   0

  1           LOAD_CONST               0 ('start')
              LOAD_NAME                0 (x)
              CONVERT_VALUE            2 (repr)
              LOAD_CONST               1 ('end')
              BUILD_STRING             3

Since the variable name x is stored as the operand of the LOAD_NAME instruction in the co_names array, it can still be obfuscated.

Example of Obfuscation Results

Here is an example of bytecode obtained by decompiling an obfuscated .pyc file using the uncompyle6 library (obfuscate_bytecode was set to False for easier observation of the decompiled results, and parameter name obfuscation obfuscate_argname was enabled).
Since the co_name information was removed, class and function names cannot be decompiled. However, the obfuscated code still runs because the classes and functions are stored in local and global variables:

-- Stacks of completed symbols:
START ::= |- stmts . 
and ::= expr . JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP expr \e_come_from_opt
and ::= expr . JUMP_IF_FALSE_OR_POP expr come_from_opt
and ::= expr . jifop_come_from expr
and ::= expr . jmp_false expr
and ::= expr . jmp_false expr COME_FROM
and ::= expr . jmp_false expr jmp_false
Instruction context:
                  60  STORE_FAST               'l3'
                  62  LOAD_GLOBAL              g18
                  64  LOAD_FAST                'l3'
                  66  CALL_FUNCTION_1       1  '1 positional argument'
                  68  RETURN_VALUE     

import functools
    from timer_tool import timer
except ImportError:
    def (func):
        return func

g4 = False

def (l0, l1, l2=[], l3=False):
    for l4 in dir(l0):
        if (l3 or l4.startswith)("_"):
        elif l4 in l2:
            l1[l4] = getattr(l0, l4)

g9 = {}
for g13 in range(len(g8.priority)):
    for g14 in g8.priority[g13]:
        g9[g14] = g13

g5(g8, globals(), ["priority"])

def (l0, l1):
    l2 = g9[l1]
    l3 = g9[getattr(l0, "_DynObj__last_symbol", HIGHEST)]
    l4 = "({!r})" if l2 > l3 else "{!r}"
    return l4.format(l0)

class :
    _cache = {}
    if g4:
        def (l0, l1, l2=HIGHEST):
            if l1 in l0._cache:
                return l0._cache[l1]
            l3 = super().__new__(l0)
            l0._cache[l1] = l3
            return l3

    def (l0, l1, l2=HIGHEST):
        l0._DynObj__code = l1
        l0._DynObj__last_symbol = l2

    def Parse error at or near `LOAD_FAST' instruction at offset 16

    def (l0, l1):
        l2 = "{}.{}".format(l0, l1)
        return g18(l2)

    def (l0, l1):
        return g18(f"{g16(l0, ADD)} + {g16(l1, ADD)}", ADD)

# Deparsing stopped due to parse error


This obfuscation tool is also compatible with all versions of Python 3, as it does not depend on specific bytecode versions.

4. Unpacking Tool

The unpacking tool in pyc_zipper/ supports unpacking .pyc files that have been packed using the aforementioned compression tools. It restores the original .pyc file before compression.
However, the unpacking tool cannot restore the instructions and variable names that have been obfuscated by the obfuscation tool.


A tool for packing, unpacking, compressing and obfuscating Python bytecode files (.pyc) . Python字节码文件(.pyc)压缩、加壳、脱壳、混淆工具。








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