typeshare Public
Forked from 1Password/typeshareTypeshare is the ultimate tool for synchronizing your type definitions between Rust and other languages for seamless FFI.
asm_book Public
Forked from pkivolowitz/asm_bookA book teaching assembly language programming on the ARM 64 bit ISA. Along the way, good programming practices and insights into code development are offer which apply directly to higher level lang…
limine Public
Forked from limine-bootloader/limineModern, advanced, portable, multiprotocol bootloader.
The-Art-of-Linear-Algebra Public
Forked from kenjihiranabe/The-Art-of-Linear-AlgebraGraphic notes on Gilbert Strang's "Linear Algebra for Everyone"
ofrak Public
Forked from redballoonsecurity/ofrakOFRAK: unpack, modify, and repack binaries.
CustomProcessingUnit Public
Forked from pietroborrello/CustomProcessingUnitThe first dynamic analysis framework for CPU microcode
Skija Public
Forked from HumbleUI/SkijaJava bindings for Skia
tevr-asr-tool Public
Forked from DeutscheKI/tevr-asr-toolState-of-the-art (ranked #1 Aug 2022) German Speech Recognition in 284 lines of C++. This is a 100% private 100% offline 100% free CLI tool.
spglsl Public
Forked from SalvatorePreviti/spglslA webgl GLSL minifier based on Angle compiler
webgpu-native-examples Public
Forked from samdauwe/webgpu-native-examplesCollection of C-language examples that demonstrate basic rendering and computation in WebGPU native.
unblob Public
Forked from onekey-sec/unblobExtract files from any kind of container formats
chumsky Public
Forked from zesterer/chumskyA parser library for humans with powerful error recovery.
skiff-mail Public
Forked from epicfaace/skiff-mailPrivate, end-to-end encrypted, wallet native mail.
4coder Public
Forked from 4coder-archive/4coderThe final version of the official 4coder codebase. (See Also: https://github.com/Dion-Systems/4coder-non-source)
SDFEditor Public
Forked from Sondro/SDFEditorSigned Distance Field CSG Editor
svelte-preprocess Public
Forked from sveltejs/svelte-preprocessA ✨ magical ✨ Svelte preprocessor with sensible defaults and support for: PostCSS, SCSS, Less, Stylus, Coffeescript, TypeScript, Pug and much more.
scroll-scene-element Public
Forked from rdmurphy/scroll-scene-element📜 A tiny custom element for all your scrollytelling needs!
jrnl Public
Forked from jrnl-org/jrnlCollect your thoughts and notes without leaving the command line.
Remotery Public
Forked from Celtoys/RemoterySingle C file, Realtime CPU/GPU Profiler with Remote Web Viewer
dashy Public
Forked from Lissy93/dashy🚀 A self-hosted startpage for your server. Easy to use visual editor, status checking, widgets, themes and tons more!
gh-dash Public
Forked from dlvhdr/gh-dashgh cli extension to display a dashboard of PRs and issues - configurable with a beautiful UI.
CLI and local web plain text note‑taking, bookmarking, and archiving with linking, tagging, filtering, search, Git versioning & syncing, Pandoc conversion, + more, in a single portable script.
itch-setup Public
Forked from itchio/itch-setup🌀 An installer for the itch.io desktop app
catala Public
Forked from CatalaLang/catalaProgramming language for literate programming law specification
hacspec Public
Forked from hacspec/hacspecA specification language for cryptography primitives.
soft-serve Public
Forked from charmbracelet/soft-serveA tasty, self-hostable Git server for the command line🍦
JoltPhysics Public
Forked from jrouwe/JoltPhysicsA multi core friendly rigid body physics and collision detection library suitable for games and VR applications.
penrose Public
Forked from penrose/penroseCreate beautiful diagrams just by typing mathematical notation in plain text.
flecs Public
Forked from SanderMertens/flecsA fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++
AssemblyLine Public
Forked from 0xADE1A1DE/AssemblyLineA C library and binary for generating machine code of x86_64 assembly language and executing on the fly without invoking another compiler, assembler or linker.