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Full dapp starter kit for automating Filecoin deal making
The whole flow for deal making (from file upload to making a deal on FVM) is described here:
Get started with
# clone the repo
git clone --recurse-submodules
# add your private key
export PRIVATE_KEY='abcdef'
# install and setup the hardhat kit
cd fevm-hardhat-kit
yarn install
Now, deploy the client contract with the forge
invocation as described here.
Now set the client contract address in your env:
export CC_ADDRESSS='0xdeadbeef123'
Also, edit the contract address in your frontend on Input.js
Make sure you have:
- Deployed your client contract on Hyperspace
- Set the
in your env - Set the
in your env - Set the contract adddress in the frontend
before proceeding.
forge create
, double check to make sure that the contract wasn't deployed anyways. Check the deployer address on and check the latest messages. You can get the contract address from there. Failing that, try rerunning forge create
multiple times. You can also deploy the client contract through Remix or with your own Hardhat deployment.
Files need to be converted and prepped for storage on FVM.
Given a file A you want to upload, you need to gather four bits of information:
An https URL to the CAR file that represents A (carLink
) (eg this)
The size of A in bytes (pieceSize
The size of the CAR file that represents A in bytes (carSize
The piece CID of A (commP
Go to, upload A, and get these four fields out.
Note: We hold your files for 30 days before the link to your car file expires. Make your smart contracts sometime soon after data prep so that your data can persist much longer through FVM!
- Set up the
go utility:
$ git clone
$ cd generate-car
$ make build
Use the utility as follows:
$ mkdir out
$ ./generate-car --single -i /path/to/file/A.txt -o out -p /path/to/file/
You should get a json file that looks like this:
Note that (A2)
is PieceSize
, (A3)
is Size
is PieceCid
- As a result of the above, you should also get a
file. You can upload this file to, click on the CID column, and right click on theCopy Link Location
once you get to the IPFS portal. You should get a link that looks something like this:
This link is (A1)
for your file.
Because of the way the client contract is set up, you need to prepare a deal proposal payload and call makeDealProposal
with this payload. The payload consists of (see more here):
const extraParamsV1 = [
carLink, // (A1)
carSize, // (A3)
false, // skipIpniAnnounce (whether or not the deal should be announced to IPNI indexers, set to false)
false, // removeUnsealedCopy
const DealRequestStruct = [
cid.bytes, // (A4)
pieceSize, // (A2)
false, // verifiedDeal (whether the deal has datacap or not)
commP, // label (how the deal is labelled, needs to be A4)
520000, // startEpoch (when you want the storage to start)
1555200, // endEpoch (when you want the storage to end)
0, // storagePricePerEpoch (how much attoFIL per GiB per 30s you are offering for this deat, set to 0 for a free deal)
0, // providerCollateral
0, // clientCollateral
1, // extraParamsVersion (set to 1)
Here is an example with these fields initialized:
const extraParamsV1 = [
"", // (A1)
236445, // (A3)
false, // skipIpniAnnounce (whether or not the deal should be announced to IPNI indexers, set to false)
false, // removeUnsealedCopy
const DealRequestStruct = [
"baga6ea4seaqesm5ghdwocotmdavlrrzssfl33xho6xtrr5grwyi5gj3vtairaoq", // (A4)
262144, // (A2)
false, // verifiedDeal (whether the deal has datacap or not)
"baga6ea4seaqesm5ghdwocotmdavlrrzssfl33xho6xtrr5grwyi5gj3vtairaoq", // label (how the deal is labelled, needs to be A4)
520000, // startEpoch (when you want the storage to start)
1555200, // endEpoch (when you want the storage to end)
0, // storagePricePerEpoch (how much attoFIL per GiB per 30s you are offering for this deat, set to 0 for a free deal)
0, // providerCollateral
0, // clientCollateral
1, // extraParamsVersion (set to 1)
Take the four outputs of part (I) and put each into the four fields of the frontend in this repo.
Once the deal handshake is completed (described more in part III), you should be able to see the deal ID for this transaction in Filfox on the frontend. Here is a previous example of a DealID submitted through the frontend:
You should be able to run the hardhat task:
cd fevm-hardhat-kit
yarn install
yarn hardhat deploy
# (optionally) reset CC_ADDRESSS with the output of the DealClient address
# now you can run make-deal-proposal
yarn hardhat make-deal-proposal --contract $CC_ADDRESSS --piece-cid baga6ea4seaqayn6kwvhnajfgec2qakj7vb5aeqisbbnojunowdyapkdfcyhzcpy --piece-size 262144 --verified-deal false --label "baga6ea4seaqayn6kwvhnajfgec2qakj7vb5aeqisbbnojunowdyapkdfcyhzcpy" --start-epoch 520000 --end-epoch 1555200 --storage-price-per-epoch 0 --provider-collateral 0 --client-collateral 0 --extra-params-version 1 --location-ref "" --car-size 194875 --skip-ipni-announce false --remove-unsealed-copy false
The CC is built to interact with Boost SPs and generate deals on behalf of a client, entirely on-chain. This differs from the deal bounty contract, for example, which relies on an offchain bonuty hunter in order to make deals.
The CC primarily interacts with the Boost SPs through an event known as DealProposalCreate
, which looks like this:
event DealProposalCreate(
bytes32 indexed id,
uint64 size,
bool indexed verified,
uint256 price
The eventual payload delivered to the Boost SPs is structured as follows (note this is simply the Solidity version of the javascript provided above):
struct DealRequest {
bytes piece_cid;
uint64 piece_size;
bool verified_deal;
string label;
int64 start_epoch;
int64 end_epoch;
uint256 storage_price_per_epoch;
uint256 provider_collateral;
uint256 client_collateral;
uint64 extra_params_version;
ExtraParamsV1 extra_params;
// Extra parameters associated with the deal request. These are off-protocol flags that
// the storage provider will need.
struct ExtraParamsV1 {
string location_ref;
uint64 car_size;
bool skip_ipni_announce;
bool remove_unsealed_copy;
The overall flow is a push-pull mechanism. The CC "pushes" a DealProposalCreate
event onto the FVM event log, which is watched by Boost SPs. SPs look for DealProposalCreate
events that interest them (they can filter by price, verified state and size). They then ask the CC to provide them the DealProposal
payload. Data transfer can begin. SPs can also publish the deal by submitting a PSD message on-chain with the fields in the DealProposal payload.
See the diagram of this information here:
The "front-end" of the CC interacts with the client, and takes in a deal proposal payload (eg Part II). The "back-end" of the CC interacts with the Boost SP in order to generate the deal, as well as in order to authenticate the deal.
Note that we have a few active threads and FRCs where the client contract is being discussed: