A revived fork of cirCetZ, which is a port of circuitikz
to Typst with CetZ
- Clone the repo into a directory called
- Import
alongside this package
Note: this process can definitely be cleaned up! Feel free to open a PR :)
#import "@preview/fletcher:0.5.3" as fletcher: diagram, node, edge, cetz
#import "cirCetZ/src/lib.typ" as circetz: *
#import cetz.draw
import components: *
import draw: *
resistor((2, 1), (0, 1), i: ("<", $i_1$))
resistor((0, 0), (2, 0), i: ("<", $i_1$))
See demo.typ
for an out-of-the-box demo.
Also see examples/
for examples with a surprise compilation status. Will it compile? Who knows! I didn't get that far yet.
- Reference manual (doesn't have to inclued tutorials, just a list of currently supported components)
- Tests
- CI
- More components?