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Pure SQL

Write your sql just as sql. Then use it.

Note: This is highly similar to a slightly more feature-rich and two weeks older puresql. That's a mere coincidence. We just seem to have had the same idea and came up with the same name. And my library is working on a lower level, although still not fully SQL-dialect agnostic, yet.

How to use

Assume you have some sql code as follows:


-- name: getUser
SELECT id, name FROM "user" WHERE id = $1;

-- name: updateUserName
UPDATE "user" SET name = $2 WHERE id = $1
RETURNING id, name;

-- name: findUsers
SELECT id, name FROM "user" WHERE id IN (:id*);

-- name: insertUsers
INSERT INTO :!table VALUES :userData**;

And you want to run that in your application.


// purely illustrative example that does not run without db config
const pureSql = require('pure-sql').PG;
const path = require('path');

// Load templates.
const templates = pureSql.parseTemplateFiles(path.resolve(__dirname, './sql'), '.sql');

// Create some postgresql client for testing.
const Client = require('pg').Client;
const client = new Client();


// User.
const user = {id: 'testUserId', name: 'testName'};

client.query(templates.updateUserName, [,], (err, res) => {
  console.log(err ? err.stack : res.rows[0].message);

console.log(templates) // {getUser: 'SELECT id, name FROM "user" WHERE id = $1;', updateUserName: 'UPDATE "user" SET name = $2 WHERE id = $1\nRETURNING id, name;'}

console.log(templates.updateUserName.mapTemplate(user)); /* Output:
	query: 'SELECT id, name FROM "user" WHERE id = $1;', updateUserName: 'UPDATE "user" SET name = $2 WHERE id = $1\nRETURNING id, name;',
	args: ['testUserId', 'testName']}

console.log(templates.insertUsers.mapTemplate({'!table': '"user"', 'userData**': [['u1', 'name1'], ['u2', 'name2']]}));
/* Output:
	query: 'INSERT INTO "user" VALUES ($1,$2),($3,$4)',
	args: ['u1', 'name1', 'u2', 'name2']}

What's so spectacular about that?

Nothing really. At least, not yet. It could do more as below, but that pure version works in almost any case you want.

For example, however, if you really want a bit more and you happen to use something like pg:


-- name: getUser
SELECT id, name FROM "user" WHERE id = :id;

-- name: updateUserName
UPDATE "user" SET name = :name WHERE id = :id
RETURNING id, name;


// purely illustrative example that does not run without db config
const pureSql = require('pure-sql').PG;
const path = require('path');

// Load templates.
const templates = pureSql.parseTemplateFiles(path.resolve(__dirname, './sql'), '.sql');

// Create some postgresql client for testing.
const Client = require('pg').Client;
const client = new Client();


// User.
const user = {id: 'testUserId', name: 'testName'};

client.query(templates.updateUserName.query,, (err, res) => {
  console.log(err ? err.stack : res.rows[0].message);

If you happen to need to change the parameter replacement

const mysqlParamFunc = function(idx, name) {
		// Just in case, you can either have the index of the parameter and its name
        return '?';
const templates = pureSql.withParam(mysqlParamFunc).withRepeatingArgs().parseTemplateFiles(path.resolve(__dirname, './sql'), '.sql');

// Then, as above
console.log(templates.updateUserName.mapTemplate(user)); /* Output:
    query: 'SELECT id, name FROM "user" WHERE id = ?;', updateUserName: 'UPDATE "user" SET name = ? WHERE id = ?\nRETURNING id, name;',
    args: ['testUserId', 'testName', 'testUserId']}

For installation

npm install pure-sql


This library is inspired by the clojure library hugsql


Pure sql templates for nodejs








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