Bacula-Web is a web based tool written in PHP that provide you a summarized view of your Bacula backup infrastructure. It obtain his information from the Bacula catalog database.
This is my little contribution to Bacula Community project.
Bacula-Web main features
- easy to setup
- Install once and monitor as much Bacula directors you need
- Secure: Users authentication is enabled by default, so no Bacula's information disclosed :)
- Dashboard: keep an eye on all Bacula resources like backup jobs result, pools, volumes, etc. in one shot
- Translations: use Bacula-Web in your language (more than 15 languages available)
- Jobs report: monitor backup jobs from a single page (filter and options available)
- Job Files report: list files and folders of a backup job
- Directors report: high-level report pages for all configured directors
- Pools and volumes: keep an eye on all your Bacula pools and volumes
Visit Bacula-Web documentation for more informations about installation, configuration, upgrade, etc.
Bacula-Web can be installed using the provided compressed archive or using Composer, check Installation page for more details
You'll find latest stable release here
Submit a bug report or feature request using GitHub project issues
If you want to help translating Bacula-Web in your language, please check the Contribute to translation page
You can contribute by submitting a GitHub pull request, please have a look the contribution guide first.
Bacula-Web source code, web site and documentation are licensed under GNU GPLv2
For more details, see LICENSE