This OpenSCAD library was created to make it easy to create board game inserts with lids for either horizontal or vertical storage, without any programming required.
Browser extension for viewing archived and cached versions of web pages, available for Chrome, Edge and Safari
It's time. Rockstar 2: "The Difficult Second Version"
fork mirror of shipcat up until july'21 since babylonhealth closed it soon after
Eslint plugin to require preventDefault calls
Demo Terraform Provider in Rust
Test harness for ui tests of compiler diagnostics
ARCHIVED Auth0 Terraform Provider. This project is now being maintained at:
Web tool to evaluate rust regular expressions
Entish is a declarative Datalog-like language for formal RPG rules
Python typing koans to learn type-hints in Python3 using Mypy
Visualize the ranking over time of an Advent of Code private leaderboard.
Inject charts in your private leaderboard page for Advent of Code
Scripts and support necessary to make a GuixSD Virtualbox image
Curated list of awesome Actions for Rust programming language
Tool to wait until a database is up and responding to a query
Pure bash script to test and wait on the availability of a TCP host and port
Home of the Rockstar programming language
💖💻 A little dashboard that tries to take care of you when you're using your terminal.
Your Gateway to Embedded Software Development Excellence 👽