Note: Ported from
This Python API is simply a wrapper around the FogBugz API, with some help from Leonard Richardson's BeautifulSoup and
the magic of Python's __getattr__()
Getting Started: To use the FogBugz API, just put the file somewhere on your Python path. It's probably easiest to add this before the import:
>>> import sys
>>> sys.path.append("""c:\code\fbapi""")
>>> from fogbugz import FogBugz
A Quick Example:
>>> from fogbugz import FogBugz
>>> fb = FogBugz("") # URL is to your FogBugz install
>>> fb.logon("", "password")
>>> resp ="assignedto:tyler") # All calls take named parameters, per the API
>>> resp # Responses are BeautifulSoup objects of the response XML.
<response><cases count="2"><case ixbug="1" operations="edit,assign,resolve,email,remind"></case><case ixbug="2" operations="edit,spam,assign,resolve,reply,forward,remind"></case></cases></response>
>>> # You shouldn't need to know too much about BeautifulSoup, but the documentation can be found here:
>>> #
>>> for case in resp.cases.childGenerator(): # One way to access the cases
... print case['ixbug']
>>> for case in resp.findAll('case'): # Another way to access the cases
... print case['operations']
>>> resp = fb.edit(ixbug=1, sEvent="Edit from the API") # Note the named parameters
>>> resp
<response><case ixbug="1" operations="edit,assign,resolve,email,remind"></case></response>
Note that, per API v5.0, all data between tags, such as the token, is now wrapped in CDATA. BeautifulSoup's
implementation of CData generally allows for it to be treated as a string, except for one important case:
(a.k.a. str(CData))
returns the full text, including the CDATA wrapper (e.g. "<![CDATA[foo]]>").
To avoid accidentally including the CDATA tage, use CData.encode('utf-8')
For more info on the API:
Much of the API has not been thoroughly tested. Please report bugs to